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heads up: will contain denki hate. i dont hate him he just fits the best. anyways, enjoy :)

"i'm sorry, y/n. i just don't feel those feelings anymore and i dont wanna lead you on.." denki rubs the back of his head embarrassed that he needs to break up with you after a year of being with you. his eyes shine with hurt emotions for hurting you, knowing how much you love him.

"o-oh... its alright! thank you denki," after the initial shock, you try to cover it up as best you can and brush it off.

denki takes a breath of relief, his eyes holding the emotion in them as well before he pats your shoulder as a way of thanks. "thank you, y/n. you're amazing." he walks out of your room, closing the door behind him.

after he leaves, you stand there. just standing there staring at the floor where he just stood before breaking up with you and walking out.

"at least... he said something... right?" you tell yourself quietly, your voice cracking, tears welling up in your eyes. you produce small hiccups while your throat burns from your attempt to keep yourself from crying loudly.

you fall to the ground, thoughts swirling around yet all twirling around the same person. that dumb blond who always stayed since fifth grade, with you through all your issues, who always made you laugh; you did what he did to you, you helped him so, so much. and now, he just left.

he just lost feelings after using the term 'love' with you for almost a year.

did someone else steal his heart? maybe he was cheating on you? did he honestly just fall out of love? you may never know, but whatever the reason, it hurts like hell.

your first love just broke your heart and left. you introduced him to your guardian and they approved, his parents doing the same to you. hell, your guardian and his parents were friends and honestly thought youd get married. you always loved the idea of getting bounded by a ring, and maybe that was because you were lonely and you thought that was a sense of security for them not leaving. you always have been insecure about someone leaving you for your flaws.

and of course, the one person you let in and have a piece of your heart, crushes it under his foot.

like mentioned before, its not his fault, but you're still gonna blame him for a little at least.

and as much as you hate to accuse, you think jiro has something to do with it. she and denki always hung out, especially recently. they would cuddle on the couch, and you wouldnt mind solely because you trusted denki. they would go into each others dorms saying its for studying, and you wouldnt mind and believed them because you trusted denki. they would hug or stare at each other longer than anyone should as just friends, but you didnt mind because you trusted him.

this all happened because you trusted denki. is this what happens when you trust someone? if that was the case, god you never wanted to trust again.

you lean against your bed, still on the floor looking at the spot where he stood, your thoughts still running wild from his words.

you wipe your tears before grabbing your phone and checking the time. 19:12 (7:12 pm) it says.

you decide to skip dinner for the night (its not like you ever ate much anyway), wanting to just lie in bed, cry and fall asleep.

and that's exactly what you do. you crawl into bed, not bothering to change out of your casual clothes, and cover yourself with your blanket, your head resting on the pillow. your eyes are red and puffy with tears constantly brimming or falling down them. you curl in on yourself and try to fall asleep, only to cry for hours and at that point, just trying to cry yourself to sleep. you feel its better than being awake.

you hate this feeling; the feeling of being betrayed. its so dumb, and it hurts so, so much.

he didnt even betray you! you just feel the need to blame it on someone, and that someone is denki.

but maybe, its your fault? maybe you fucked up along the way, somehow? maybe he wanted you to go left instead of right? maybe you got him something a while he wanted something b? maybe he wanted orange and you got him blue?

you wont know, not now at least.

maybe you should get ice cream? its been hours and you're hungry thanks to all the crying.

reluctantly, you get up, not bothering to clean yourself up. when looking around, you see a black hoodie with a yellow stripe down each side of the sleeves and a lightning bolt you had embroidered on the upper right chest. on the sleeve cuff, you also embroidered "[letter]<3d". it's so fucking clichè but you didnt care. you were blindly in love with him and did everything for him.

you took care of him, helped him study, helped him with nightmares, helped him with ironic fear of thunderstorms, helped him train, give him gifts, make him feel loved; you did so, so much. more then what was listed.

you clutch the cuff after seeing it, tears spill as you run your fingers over the actual embroidery that wasnt covered by your hand. your tears spill on the sleeve and your hand, blurring your vision.

"fuck this." you throw the hoodie on you and storm out, closing your door behind you. you wipe your frustration and sad tears away while walking to the elevator and descending to the common room. leaning against the wall, you click the button and fist your hands.

the door opens and you walk into the kitchen, only to see the lights are on. so before entering, you wipe your tears away once again and try to make your face look like it hasnt been crying.

after feeling satisfied, you walk in to find bakugou sipping on a glass of water. he doesnt see you at first so you look at him. he looks so calm, his face with no creases, a small smile resting on his face, him leaning against the counter with a cup being held to his lips, one leg bent so his foot rests against the cabinet below the counter.

he sees you and looks over, shock written all over his face along with his normal expression back. "what do you want, shitty girl?" he asks annoyed you interrupted him.

"uh... just ignore me. sorry." you walk to the freezer and open it to grab [favorite flavor] ice cream.

"this late? eat the left overs, youll get sick if you eat that shit." he takes another sip of his water yet you ignore his warnings and put it in the microwave for ten seconds to make it not impossible to scoop.

"ill be fine, but thanks." you grab a spoon and the ice cream before leaving.

"if you get sick its not my fault!" he calls out before your out of hearing range.

"wow, hes worried. what a change," you mumble to yourself before going to the elevator, this time ascending.

once you arrive at your floor and the elevator doors open, you walk out. opening your own bedroom door, you grab your laptop and set it up to watch miraculous ladybug, a comfort show for you with the love square and kwamis. especially chat noir—hes your favorite.

you decide to skip school tomorrow to just eat ice cream, binge, and cry.

future you will deal with everything, for now, present you will relax.

hoodie     |k. bakugouWhere stories live. Discover now