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Sam climbed to the attic apartment as quickly as he could. Only one more wonder to battle and then at least the ghost children that came before him would be free. He turned the corner to scale the fire escape-like staircase when he noticed the moon's eclipse had grown. Then, where a flag was normally hanging over the front door of Mr. Bobinsky's apartment there was something different now hanging from it. Sam looked closer as he slowly approached to find out it was Dean's leather jacket.

Although he knew it wasn't really Dean's jacket, he still took the threat seriously. Sam turned to look out over the grounds of the property, which was all that existed in the Beldam's world and knew that she wasn't just somewhere watching him, she was everywhere.

"EVIL WITCH! I'M NOT SCARED!" he shouted loud enough for the Beldam to hear him. The door to Mr. Bobinsky's apartment then opened, ready and waiting for him. Sam entered and braced himself for the next horror that was about to unfold.

Mr. Bobinsky's attic apartment was littered with the remnants of what was once his mouse circus. It was no longer bright and colorful. It wasn't lit up. No popcorn being made and no cotton candy shooting out of canons. As Sam crossed the room, his peripheral vision was assaulted by the shell of what was once Mr. Bobinsky. The ring master costume with no body in it clumsily rose up from the floor.

"Helloooo!" Mr. Bobinsky's voice rang from the inside of the coat. Sam took a step back. He was unnerved by the sight in front of him.

"Is this what you're looking for?" the voice asked. It rolled its shoulders and out from the sleeve of the coat rolled the little circus ball with the gold star on it Sam saw in the circus act. It nestled into the palm of the white glove. Sam looked at it through the stone. The ball was glowing a warm orange hue.

"Yes," Sam said. He put the stone back in his bag and reached for the ball that contained the next ghost eye. The arm of the coat pulled the ball away from Sam's reach.

"You tink vinning game is good ting!?" Mr. Bobinsky challenged. The ring master costume crawled away from Sam and back into the circus tent. "You'll just go home and be bored and neglected, same as alvays. Stay here vith us! Ve vill listen to you and laugh viths you! If you stay here, you can have vhatever you vant! Alvays!"

"You don't get it, do you?" Sam asked as he approached the bizarre creature.

"I don't understand!" it shouted.

"Of course you don't understand. You're just a copy she made of the real Mr. B," Sam pointed out.

"Not even that," the voice came out distorted now to a demonic breath. " . . . anymore." Sam carefully took the hat off the top of the ring master coat and it revealed a rat holding the ghost eye. It squealed and lunged at Sam. He shoved the rat off of him and other crawled out of the sleeves, pant legs, and other openings of the ring master costume until it was tattered on the floor and motionless. The rat with the ghost eye took off towards the door.

Sam chased after it, but the others set off the cotton candy canons. He dodged the rotten confections that flew across his path to his target. He tried throwing something at it, like he did with the bat-dogs and the humming birds, but he mistakenly grabbed the stone and threw it before he realized what he was throwing. The rat was getting away through the flap in the door. Sam broke through and tried to capture it, just before the fire escape gave way. The whole metal staircase collapsed with Sam on it. He fell to the ground hard and the rat was nowhere to be found.

He looked up at the moon again. His time was almost up. The eclipse was the shadow of a big button, reminding him of his promise if he lost. He dug into his backpack for the other two ghost eyes. They were still there, but only the two. Sam was sure he was going to lose this game and everything else. The mew of the cat came from the side of the porch. Sam turned to find the cat had dropped the head of the escaping rat from its mouth onto the grass with the ghost eye in the rats teeth.

"I don't think I've mentioned that I don't like rats at the best of times," the cat said. "It looked like you needed this one." The cat pushed the ball containing the ghost eye across the grass towards Sam.

"Thank you," he said. He picked up the ball and the moment he did, the world lost its color again and became old paper. "I'm heading inside. I still have to find my dad and my brother." Just then, the eclipse completed and the outside of the house started to fall apart. Sam put the new ghost eye into his backpack and picked up the cat. He ran to the front door, avoiding the self destruction of the Beldam's world.

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