Chapter one the Prince

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There was a kingdom call antarctic empire. The king being Eret, and the prince Technoblade. Around when techno was 16, a problem had accrued live stock and food was being stolen or disappeared over night. Also in this story you are Technoblade...

The king ordered a small party of knights to check out the near by forest, nun returned. A few weeks later there was a report of two figures in the sky spotted, apparently they had large wings. Eret immediately thought that they were Elytrians. Elytrians were creatures that not much was known about them except for centuries ago they were hunted to almost extinction for there wings.

 I had over herd a conversation that my dad Eret had with many hunters. "We must hunt these creatures down I need you all to do so"Eret had said. They were all walking out of the room I rushed to hide. Then saw that Eret was walking to my room! I rushed to my room and sat in bed in time thankfully. "Son I need you to make sure that you stay safe, stay away from the forest". Techno nodded, "ok but why can't I go to the forest?". Eret " theres a dangerous threat in the forest I know that your good a fighting but stay out of this, till I tell you to". 

After the conversation I wanted to know more, so I headed over to the library in the castle. "Do you have any books on mythical or ancient creatures?" I asked the librarian. She responded "yes of course we do here ill fetch you them, theres only 2 though hope you find what your looking for." As I was reading I realized just how many creatures had nothing known about them.I skipped over to the page where it said Elytrian, there was nothing but they the page said were swift, have vary large wings, and always will kill if get the chance, don't run if you run into one if you do they will just kill you in a second. 

After reading that I thought that none of those hunters had a chance but I was rong. The next day two hunter came to the castle with a creature. I ran down curios to see, my dad standing there with a smirk on his face he said "good job boys I'm glade to see you caught one of them", they replied "we go the female so we suspect that the other is a male but there was no sight of it". Eret looked at the creature, I looked at it too and saw just how scared she was, you could clearly see the fear on her face. Eret " throw it in the dungeon well see what to do with it once we catch the other one." The hunter looked at me and said "hay it the prince", "hi" I said nervously I'm not vary social. "Well go look for the other one" they said after greeting me. My dad said "great, hope you can catch it, also thanks for helping with this problem". 

The hunters bowed and left, I was vary worried about the female Elytrin because it look a like a human but just with wings and some feathers on her face. If it didn't have wings I would of thought it was just a regular human. But after they caught her none of the hunter returned after days passed, it seemed that my dad was worried but didn't want to say anting about it.

 That day went out side I was close to the forest but there were guards around me so I didn't really care. But suddenly out of no where we were attacked, we couldn't even see it it was so fast. All we saw were flashes of black, a few moments later it was silent it had left not knowing what just happened I was rushed back to the castle. My dad saw that the guards were hurt he ran over to me and asked if I was ok of course I was. He sent a search party of knights to look for what attacked but all we found was a black feather. 

Over the next days there reports of villagers attacked and who ever entered the forest did not return. The villagers started to call what ever creature it was "the angle of death". I went down to the dungeon to see the female Elytrian, when I got there she was in a corner of the cage and still seemed vary scared. I said comely " hi I'm sorry this all happened I'm the prince technoblade, whats your name?" She looked up and kind of chirped "Kristin" I could understand but it was vary hard. I left after a while of just awkward silence. 

But as soon as I got to my room my dad walked in and said "son I know your really good at fighting and probably the best one in the kingdom, I need you to hunt down the Elytrian in the forest please don't let me down". Suddenly I herd voices all of them saying blood for the blood god or death or kill everything. I have herd this before but only before I get in like a battle or when I have not fought something recently I tried to ignore it but it got really loud. I said " ill hunt it down and kill it". My dad looked at me with a smile and said " get ready and tomorrow go and hunt it down". The next morning I heard the voices again, but got ready and took my steed carl out to the forest.

thank you for reading this i hope i can continue this :)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2021 ⏰

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