Before The Fall .

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Okay before I start ; it's Ciara right now , Jordan asked me to start the story . Soo , here I am . Anyways , the first chapter or so will be in third person point of view/authors point of view/no point of view . This is what happens before the story . Sort of a prologue . Ha . Okay byeee -Ciara xox 🙊


The homecoming game was in full swing , the end nearing quickly . Everyone was excited as the two scores were tied , the home team of Freefall High racing toward another touchdown . Darcy wasn't one of the popular kids who went to the game to hang out with friends. She went because she liked to get out of the house as much as possible . Only being able to on Fridays when her father went to the bar right after work . She was walking down the stretch underneath the bleachers , passing one of the groups of jocks . You know , cheerleaders , football players ; the works . Darcy held in her hand a small order of nachos , a splurge she had made so hesitantly moments before .

"Ew , she eats so much." One of the cheerleaders whispered

"She's so gross ."

"She's worn that shirt twice in the past two weeks . I mean ew."

Darcy just sighed quietly and kept walking , trudging past the group that seemed to never end . Just as she neared the end of the group the whispers got even more hushed , to the point where she had no clue what was being said . Then , she was covered in nachos , sitting on the ground , and surrounded by laughter . She felt a lump forming in her throat . Darcy wasnt going to cry though . She knew that would make things even worse . She quickly swallowed the lump that was growing larger by the second and pulled herself from the ground and ran out of the nearly ended game . She didnt stop running until she reached 'Mama Kay's' , a small restaurant that was only a block or so away from the high school . As soon as the restaurant came into view she slowed her pace to a jog , eventually slowing to a walk by time she got inside . Luckily for her , mama Kay was working , not .

"Oh what happened , baby ?!"

Mama Kay had a fairly strong country accent . She was in her 50s atleast and she had developed a very distinct liking to Darcy . Not that Darcy minded . She liked talking to Mama Kay .. Well most of the time .

" can you watch my bag?" Darcy was sniffling , tears dried on her face and nachos on her clothes .

Mama Kay nodded , taking the littered bag from the young girl and tried to clean it up while Darcy went in the back trying to clean herself up .


"Spence!" One of the Spencer's friends called out from the sidelines as spencer and a few other boys sat on the bench , waiting to be called in .

"Yeah?" Spencer asked , not really paying attention .

"You missed it! Some guys just embarrassed the shit out of that one girl!" His friend was talking in breaths , obviously he had run over .

"What girl?"

"You know man! The one that barely ever talks and sits alone at lunch in the corner table!" His friend was gaining his breath back but spencer wasnt very amused .

"You watched some guys pick on a girl that hasn't done anything? That's fucked up man." Spencer told his friend , as he was called into the game.

As he stood though , he turned to his friend , taking one more glance at the disgusting smirk laid across his face . Spencer bit his tongue , shaking his head and heading onto the field .


"I can't do this anymore." Darcy thought to herself .

"It ends tonight . Holding on is to hard to do anymore .. "

And it was . She had been putting up with physical and verbal abuse for as long as she could remember , from everyone . So she was going to fly . Fly away from the pain . Hopefully finding someplace where she would be accepted .

She walked out to be greeted by Mama Kay . She smiled at the elder woman who handed Darcy her bag back . The door clicked open just then and in walked the football team . Had she been here that long? It hadn't mattered . She turned her attention back to Mama Kay , giving her a hug and thanking her . For everything . Mama Kay smiled and told her that it was no problem and that it never would be . Darcy smiled one last time before turning and walking out the door , but not before clumsily bumping into Spencer Lee Wise . She apologized quickly and turned on her heel , running home .


That night was colder than usual .

Something was happening as everyone in the world either laid in their beds to catch some sleep or woke up and dressed to go do the daily routine .

A young girl took her life that night . And the morning announcements at Freefall high school was a mix of confusion and sorrow. Then as the day faded to night and Spencer was sitting in his room listening to music in the dark it came .

Death itself .

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