Chapter 2

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Paige's POV

1 year later

Its been over a year now and I'm still trying to find out who that mysterious man was.
I had so many to drink that I forgot his face.
Reason why I keep thinking about him was ,well the result of that night is Lulu.My sweet one year old baby.

I remember that night all too well.The thing is I definitely forgot the guy I was with.His face ,I don't think he ever mentioned his name.
We just got drunk and had sex.

Next thing I'm trying to locate him just to let him know that he is a father.
I mean I'm not that cruel to keep away a child from his father.

That month

I don't really know the whole thing other than that I'm alive and my baby was fine.
I asked my mother about the other person ,all she said was that he was in a critical condition.
I remember getting released from the hospital and always praying for that other person.

The night I had been in that car accident ,an unbearable pain ripped in my stomach causing me to faint and then the crash happened.

I'm just so glad my baby was fine ,but still I felt that I needed to pray for the other person.

Right now my daughter Lulu is trying her best to stand.
"With all those fats ,you won't be able to lift yourself,"my mother Julia claps her hands together while lauphing at Lulu.

I chuckled at the scene,"mom stop it ,she trying her best"I stared back to my daughter.
She looks determined to stand and make those first steps.
With one more attempt she falls right on her butt and growls making her look even cuter.
I then picked her up and kissed her cheek ,"next time hunny".

"Nap time ?"my mom asked and I nodded.
"Okay I'm going to my office to finish off my report."she smiles and turns and heads towards her office.I bring Lulu to our room and lay her in her cradle.
Mom does her work home ever since dad passed away it seems as if she cannot leave the house anymore.

She was and still is the best mother ever.
Story of my life before my encounter with Lulu's father was I had a boyfriend and a good friend ,who well couldn't keep their hands off each other.Jake and I worked together and dated for several months till we decided to stay together.Well one day I went home early from work because he'd been sick that day and couldn't work ,so I decided to take an early leave to be with him.Walking into our house and catching him and my best friend Rachel on our bed was the most disgusting scene I've ever seen. I dumped on right on the spot,well right after I slammed a few pots on his head.
I kinda always knew that bastard wouldn't keep his horny penis inside his pants.

What hurts me the most was that the Leach was my friend.A good close friend of mine.Rachel and another best friend of mine Brenda had been high school buds.Brenda though had grew up with me.we were much closer ,since ever since till her hormones couldn't take it anymore.

When Brenda found out about the incident I remember her fists meeting Rachel's face breaking out some teeth.Then "accidentally" spilling coffee on some important papers while in the office with Jake getting him fired.
I loved my friend but I wished she knew that honestly I don't care about those two.I'm actually more happier now than when I was with him.

I inhaled deeply as I watch my baby's eyelids flutter as she tries to close them.Then slowly they close and she falls into sleep.

Kissing her forhead and tucking her in I went my mothers office.

I turned the doorknob and pushed it open then stepped inside.

Mom was sitting behind her desk looking down hard on some paper.

I walked back out not wanting to disturb her.

I strolled to my room then and opened up my laptop.

I need a job ...again.

After the breakup I didn't want to work with my ex and ex-best friend so I quite my job and became a mother.
Mom didn't mind it.
I searched for jobs online in our current city.

A list of jobs poped up and I scrolled down looking for something more efficient. Something more hmm me.
Then giving up I just started writing my information on all the online applications that I see.

Then feeling sleepy already I yawned and closed the laptop and headed towards my bed and plopped right down on it shutting myself into darkness.


- Ring ring -

I suddenly woke up to the sound of my cellphone and immediately picked it up and answered.
"Uh hello"my voice sounding a little groggy I start wiping my face.

"Yes is this Ms.Paige Hurst?"it was a voice of a man.

My eyes widen a little.
Why is a man calling me at this time.
I looked over at the clock hanging in my room ,7:25.

"This is shee,"I say the last word a little longer my voice sounding curious.

"Yes ,I am Paul.I'm the manager here at McGregor Trades inc. Well I see your resume here is very outstanding.Please come tommorow for an 8:30 interview." No pauses in his sentences.

"Uh um okay"I smiled to myself.Hopefully I get this job,"I'll be there."then Paul hung up.

I jumped out of bed and ran into the bathroom to wash up and then change.
When I had finished I ran to the kitchen looking for mom.
"Ahhh ! Mom I've got an interview tomorrow!" She was sitting a the kitchen table eating and looked up startled at my early morning barking.

"Oh hunny that's great !"I have the perfact suit for you"she stuffs the leftover pancake she was eating and stands up.
Gesturing me to follow her we headed to her room.

She goes through her closet while I sat.One by one with each dress she threw her there followed by a scoff.

"Found it !"she finally says.
She walks out holding up a black dress ,neat looking below the knee dress with,"try it hunny if you don't like the look ,but beware ,it shows off your curves!"she exclaims throwing the dress to me.

Getting up I walked into my room and tried it on.
Then walking in front of the long mirrior in front of the room I examined myself.
"Oh yeahh,"I'm loving it.It does indeed show off my curves.Its like a business and pleasure mixed into one.
Where on earth did mom get this dress from.

There's your chapter 2 ,hope you guys enjoyed it.

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