Chapter 5

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Sarah's POV


"Uhgg ."I groaned and a little scream excaped my lips as the sun shone brightly on my face.
I picked up my phone ,noteing that once I'm done talking I'm throwing the phone out the window.
It always wakes me up disturbingly in the mornings.

I answered,"Listen this better be good ,because shit I'm still sleeping and I'm still tired !its still freaking 7:25 !!!in the morninggg !!"I yelled out my frustration to the other person on the line.

"You will start work today ,ahem your to be a PA for the chairman."the mans voice said and I soon immediately recognized the owner of the voice.Paul the HR manager.

"Oh shit !"I wiped my eyes a little ,"I'm sorry about that sir ,okay umm thank you ."I apologized feeling a heat of embarrassment hitting my cheeks.

"Yeah,okay tommorow you start and do not be late Ms.Hurst ,the chaiman doesn't take kindly to tardiness."He paused ,"okay any questions ?" He asked.

"Umm well there is one ."my own voice purred.

"Well ,what it is ?"

"Is there a dress code policy I should know about ?"it almost came in a whisper.

He didn't say anything for a second then ,"um no there's no policy in what you should wear Ms.Hurst."

I shook my head in approval and said ,"Okay thank you I'll hang up now sir."so I did.


I'm staring at the brunette sour face again now sitting behind her desk in the lobby.
I strolled over to her ,purse in hand and shot her my best smile.

"You again."she says looking up at me same face expression she gave me the other day.

"Yes ma'am ,me again ,"I said sarcastically.This sour face is quite annoying to look at right now my smile immediately changed into an annoyed look.

"What do you want ?"her eyes rolling all over the place.

"Well I am the new PA for the chairman ,Paige Hurst ,please check on your computer."I said while pointing to the computer that sat in front of her.

She does ,then surprisingly looks back up with a huge smile ,"yes ma'am ,you are.Okay just go to floor 102 that while floor is the boss's office ,he's expecting you."her smile beamed more.

As I turn to walk away ,I spun around again to face her and say ,"Oh and by the way ,you shouldn't talk to the people coming in here with that kind of attitude ,"I winked at her and her braws rose more irritably,"smile ,it'll be good for this company."then I stilled off leaving the sour face more sour than ever.

The long ride in the elevator gave me goosebumps ,because truth is I'm afraid of heights and I kept wondering what if something goes wrong with the elevator shaft and it somehow broke down.
I shook my head erasing the thought as I reached floor 102.

There was only one door and on it a name plate says 'Ethan McGregor CEO\Chairman'.I paused at the door taking in a deep breath.
Then slowly turning the knob and pushed a little then it opened.
I stepped inside.


The place was so organized ! And very suitable for a chairman.
He should be old I wondered due to the stylish vases I saw.
There were three of them in the corners of the office and they were big and looked very expensive as well as everything else.
Therw was no backwall. It was more of a glass wall. And they were side open letting in fresh air.
I smiled and looked more about in the big office.

"I'd appreciate it if you don't waste my time lurking your eyes around my office ."A very disturbing sexy voice says from behind the huge desk in the far end of the office.
Whoever sat in the chair ,I didn't see because he had his chair facing backwards so that he is facing outside the glass looking down to the city.

My smile faded and I cleared my that ,"ahem yes sir ,sorry about that."I walked up to the desk ,and still my new boss faced the city.

"Look to your left Ms.Hurst that will be your desk ,Now go on and settle down before I make any more further instructions."he simply says still facing his chair to me.

Rude ! My new boss is rude ! He doesn't even face me.

"Uhh yeah sir..."I said and he cut me off.

"Just do as I said."he didn't sound angry but rather annoyed.
My fist clenched ,uhg so rude and arrogant ! I cursed at him under my breath.

I'm not an I'll tempered person ,its just that ever time I step into this building I feel so tense all the time.
Everybody here is just so rude ! And if not rude then their horseplaying around in here like animals.

Just then his chair swung around and my mouth dropped.

Pointing my finger at the disturbingly handsome man who sat in the chair before me I say ,"Y-you !"

"Yes ,me What !?"uhg why does he have to be so handsome and an asshike at the same time ?
Realization hit me ,Oh my god ! He's my boss !? He's the chairman !??
Is this some kind of prank ?

"W-what a-are you d-doing on the charmans seat !?"I accused still pointing the finger.

"I'm sorry if you don't like the idea of me being your boss."he smirked and oh! The feelings that that little smile did to me ,personally my body.

So he is my boss ,I guess I have to deal with this humiliation.

"I'm sorry sir."I put my head down and no more angry face ,but I put up a more professional look ,"I take full responsibility to my actions and to every word I had said sir.It is because I didn't know you were the chairman."I pouted.

"Just because you didn't know I was CEO ? Is that how to act when you meet new people ?"He stated I can hear a hint of amusement in his tone of voice.

"I apologize sir."I moved my hands to my back as they clenched together threatening to come out and punch his gorgeous sucker face.

I smiled to myself as I imagined it.

"Well nothing to say now eh ,Well then you should get to your desk now and wait for my instructions eh ?"

"Yes sir."

I do not understand the feeling I'm feeling right now ,but my new boss knew how to press my button.
I turned away from the Greek gods cold stare and walked to my desk.
Silently as I sat and looked back to him I remembered the shock feeling that came over me the other day I had accidentally bumped into him.

Gazing up to the mist handsomest man I've ever seen.
I mean if looks can kill ,his surly would have killed me instantly.

I looked back down once I noticed his attention was back to me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2015 ⏰

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