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TW: violence, torture, rape, abuse, EDs

I woke up in the middle of an empty warehouse. I had no idea how I got here, my mind was still very foggy and my head hurt like hell. I groaned in pain as I was about to feel my head with my hand, when I realized I was strapped down into a recliner chair. Like those classic grandfather recliner chairs, though this one was visibly aged and had several tears and suspicious stains. I glanced around the room with my eyes, my head was strapped down too. I knew something was up, my stomach wouldn't stop churning and I was soaked in sweat.

Some memories started to come back to me now. I remember that I was at the gas station last night, it was quite late, nobody was there except for a white Honda Civic near the exit, just sitting there. I payed no attention to it and proceeded to just fill up my tank with gas, when suddenly I heard the car start up and drive behind me. Still not paying attention, their car door opened and then everything went black. I had no idea what had happened, I'm guessing somebody hit me really hard in the head. Either way, I was stuck in a random ass warehouse, God knows where, strapped down to a reclining chair.

I looked down at my straps. They were seemingly made of black leather, and were bound tightly around my wrists, legs and even torso. The chair seemed to have been prepared ahead of time, I doubt anything like this is sold anywhere but maybe the black market or some weird kink site. Either way, I was fucked. Completely unable to move any part of my body aside from wiggling.

I tried to slow my breathing, I hadn't noticed how short of breath I was until I started to feel dizzy. Losing consciousness was not an option right now, who knows what will happen if I do that.

It felt like hours had passed of me just blankly staring at the ceiling, when I heard a metal door open from behind me and then promptly slam shut, emitting a very loud clashing sound that echoed throughout the emptiness and made my ears ring.

Somebody in a white lab coat walked in, I couldn't make out many details, their face was covered with a rubber mask depicting an old man. They were of average height, I couldn't figure out their sex due to the fact that their body was obscured by the coat and the baggy scrubs underneath. They soon walked over to me, small suitcase in hand. They placed the bag on the table next to the recliner and opened it. They took out a small plastic package, ripped it open and started placing various tools on a towel they had put down beforehand. I couldn't tell what they were at first, but taking a closer look and squinting my eyes told me that they were dental tools. Oh shit....This couldn't be good. I seriously doubt that anybody would bring dental tools to an abandoned warehouse with good intentions. They soon finished, and turned around to face me.

-Hello there, Adam - the voice was indiscernible, it seemed to be spoken through a voice changer

-Who the fuck are you?! - I yelled at the top of my lungs, renewing my attempts to wiggle free from my restraints

-Oh me....Oh, you definitely know me, and I know you....

-No, I fucking don't! Let me go!

The voice laughed at me, and they lifted the mask of their face. Underneath was Jessica, my ex-girlfriend that broke up with me over 2 months ago.

-It's me...Remember?

-Oh my God, Jess, this must be a prank, right? Haha, you got me, now let me go, now!

-Oh come on, Adam. I came here to have some fun, just like old times?

-What the fuck are you talking about!?

-Adam, this is your problem. This is why I broke up with you and moved away. You can never admit it when you're fucking wrong.

-Jess, come on, please....I-I- have no idea what you're talking about

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