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blood stained my shoes. determination and anger stained my heart. whoever was killing all these mostly innocent people could be the reason that i'm stuck in this nightmare. and there's no way in hell that they're getting away with it. they were going to pay.

"Y/n! over here!!" toby shouted from the inside of a classroom. i followed him inside and he was holding a thick brown book. not just any book, a year book. "what year is it from?" i asked as i stood next to the boy who was flicking through the pages

"2019." he sighed "oh no, but we can still use this." i smiled taking the yearbook off of him and placing it onto a desk. i starting scanning the pages of it being careful to not miss any details that may matter. "here." i said before placing my index finger on a group of cub scouts
"ooh! that's jack!! he was in the german scouts!!" toby said excitedly

"yeah well, jack could be a murderer."
i said as i put the book into my bag and grabbed tobys arm.
"we're wasting time. we have to find them" i swung the bag over my shoulder and quickly left the room

toby scoffed mockingly before agreeing and following me out. I listened to our footsteps echoing around the school, I tired to pick up on our walking patterns andaliigned my own with Toby's. this whole situation felt so surreal that I was struggling to stay on topic, every train of thought I had was slowly becoming a blur and I was scared that toby was feeling the same way; im the only nervous wreck around here....

"y/n... I think I found something.." toby whisper yelled

I hesitantly walkjed toward my friend in order to see what was wrong he had a worried expression across his face and what looked like a singly tear silently fa lling down his cheek.

"are you ok toby???" I asked before standing next to him "what did you find?"

toby just stood silently for a few moments before his faecal expression changed to confused..

"toby....?" I asked begging to get worried "y/n?.. whats up??" today said switching his face into a weak smile.

"you said you found something" I insisted as I intertwined my arm with his in order for him to walk with me. "I did?" he questioned sounding innocent "toby... are you ok?" I was begging to get extremely conserned about him, that cant be a normal thing-

"well, I think so..?" he said sounding completely oblivios. "toby-" I said getting cut off by the sound of something being dropped from not too far away, and then loud footsteps following. they sounded like they were running and getting further away. without thinking, both me and toby found ourselves sprinting towards the mystery person.

I caught a glimpse of the person as we were running, it looked ;like there were wearing a long jacket sort of thing and had straight hair that went just above their shoulders. the person suddenly cut a sharp corner and by the time toby and I had gotten round the corner they were gone....

this was all getting too confusing, things I thought made sense.. don't??

"Y/N! THEY DROPPED SOMETHING BACK HERE!" toby shouted from where we were.i jogged over to where he was, still trying to catch my breath after printing. I saw toby holding something that looked like a book. a thick brown book that looked far too heavy for me to carry.

toby sat down on the floor and patted next to him and placed the book down. I sat beside the boy and awaited for him to flip the book open, once he did, the ink we saw when he originally opened the book washed away. toby panicked, turned over the next pahe and the same tjhing happed but faster, and again, and again. every page, blank....

"what... the fuck!?" I said finally breaking the confused silence we had created

that's the end. see ya <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2022 ⏰

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