Wrong Door

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''What are you doing here this late?'' Glimmer asked, not pulling her eyes away from the ceiling. It was dark in the large bedroom, and the queen had been lying under the covers for hours, trying to sleep. Whatever position she tried, however many times she counted from 1 to 100, nothing helped. She felt like there was something holding her, not letting her be taken to the place people go when they sleep.

''I couldn't sleep,'' the girl answered, ''how did you know, it was me?'' Glimmer could hear the sound of bare feet getting closer to her. She didn't dare look at the person. Instead, she kept her eyes on the ceiling.

''I could feel it, Adora,'' Glimmer said, finally pulling her eyes away from the ceiling, now closing them.

''I don't know why, but I felt drawn to this room,'' Adora admitted, ''can I get into your bed?'' Not like Glimmer could see it, but Adora was blushing and looking down in embarrassment.

''Of course,'' Glimmer let her get into the soft bed. This brought back memories about Adoras's first day at the castle. Hiding from Glimmer's mom, sneaking around, Adora tearing up pillows. This brought a smile to Glimmer's face. Without knowing, she let out a small giggle.

''What are you laughing at?'' Adora questioned. Adora sat down on the edge of the bed, looking at Glimmer, who was sitting with her knees to her stomach now.

''Nothing,'' Glimmer blushed, ''just your first day here.'' This made Adora laugh too. Although she wasn't completely used to this place, she had gotten used to the soft cushions and thick blankets.

''Damn, that was a disaster,'' Adora laughed. She was now more relaxed. It felt good to finally laugh the way they used to.

''Please, it wasn't that bad,'' Gimmer denied. It kind of was.

''Seriously, I won't be offended, if you say that it was,'' Adora said to her friend. It was true. Adora appreciated criticism. Being She-Ra had made her ego go way up. She didn't want to become one of those narcissists who only think about themselves.

''Alright, it was, I won't deny it,'' Glimmer confirmed. Both of them burst out laughing.

They exchanged a few jokes and stories about the past. After a while, they were tired of laughing. Instead, they just sat there in the dark, trying to see each other the best they could. Glimmer couldn't see much. She could see things like Adora's silhouette, her hair and those big, blue eyes. The same eyes, which made her feel things. Feel things she wasn't supposed to feel. Like butterflies and nervousness. Glimmer could feel that she had been staring for quite a while, however she didn't care. During this moment, she could forget about the kingdom, her duties, friends, parties and overall, the world. It was only her and Adora. Glimmer and Adora. The best friends. The queen and her advisor. It's all they could ever be, but Glimmer felt like it was selfish to want something more. It didn't matter, that there'd be nothing between them. She was lucky enough to have Adora just as her friend.

Slowly, the two girls leaned towards each other. Those were probably a few seconds, but to be honest, it felt like a lifetime. Just as their lips were about to connect, Glimmer pulled away.

''I'm sorry, but I can't do this,'' she confessed. Tears were forming in Glimmer's eyes, and she could tell that Adora had a frown on her face too.

''Oh, I'm sorry, I should probably go,'' Adora began to get up, but Glimmer grabbed her arm. Glimmer looked at Adora's face, or where she thought Adora's face was.

''There's a reason why I couldn't kiss you,'' Glimmer admitted, ''it's not that I don't like you. We're just not meant to be together.'' Glimmer looked down at her lap.

''What do you mean?'' Adora questioned, sitting back down on the bed.

''After my mom's death, I gained some powers. I don't know what they are exactly, but I can sense people's feelings or auras, or whatever. And when you walked in tonight, I could sense what you're feeling. It was love. Pure love. Love I wish to feel some day,'' Glimmer explained. Adora was confused.

''Well, if it was love and you like me, why didn't you kiss me?'' Adora asked.

''Because you didn't feel that way for me. You felt that way for Catra,'' Glimmer told Adora.

''How do you know?'' Adora asked.

''I could feel the same energy behind the wall. You know that due to the renovations, Catra was moved into the room next to me. Sometimes, when love is powerful, the two people just attract each other. Like magnets. It wasn't me. It isn't me. It will never be,'' Glimmer choked out.

''But I wanted to kiss you,'' Adora disagreed.

''You might have some feelings for me, but they're nothing compared to what you have with Catra. Think about it. Waking up next to her. Living together. Doing domestic things,'' Glimmer explained. She could tell that Adora was thinking about it. In all honesty, Adora would rather do those things with Catra, than Glimmer.

''See? You love her. Even if you love me, I'm your second choice. You confused me for her, you and her are meant to reunite Etheria together. I know about your plan to move back to the Horde grounds and help Scorpia rule her kingdom. You and her. Just like all the tales say. She-ra and her closest friend. The power of Etheria and something that wanted to destroy it. The good and the reborn. You two are the key. They key to making things work,'' it hurt Glimmer to say this, but it was true. She knew, that one day she'll have to say this, but she didn't think it would be today.

''What do I do now?'' Adora asked. She was lost and didn't know what to do. Does she go with Glimmer or Catra? Maybe neither? But she didn't want to be alone. She wanted closeness. And she wanted it with Catra. No matter how much time she spends with Glimmer, their bond would never be as strong. And it hurt. It hurt to break Glimmer's heart. But it had to be done. Better than living a lie.

''Go get her, tiger!'' Glimmer exclaimed. Inside, she was filled with rage and pain.

''I will, and I won't let you down,'' Adora promised, before exiting the dark room, leaving Glimmer alone. If she was leaving Glimmer, at least she would make a promise. A promise she'll keep for life. Until her last breath. She wasn't going to let Glimmer down. Adora wasn't getting any joy out of this either, however she was handling it much better than Glimmer. Probably, because she knew that her lover felt the same way.

Glimmer laid in her bed, tears in her eyes. It turned out that Adora had the wrong room. She wished she had the right one though. Maybe Glimmer could've lied. But she didn't want Adora to live a lie. After all, true love always works out, and Adora would've left Glimmer for Catra sooner or later. Maybe in another lifetime, they could be together, but not this time.

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