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Teenage Days

Namjoon talking to Jungkook and Lisa : I still don't understand why you guys hang around with Jisoo and Taehyung....They are a bad influence with their stupid schemes and pranks....

Lisa: Most of their ideas are harmless and some are quite funny....

Namjoon: That's no excuse...They need to grow up and start behaving properly... You guys shouldn't just let them push you around...

Jungkook: *nodding* indeed....

Namjoon: I like talking with you, Lisa and Jungkook... You both listen, you're also kind and mature... You're far too good for them....



Namjoon: hang on, you came to speak with me for a reason, right?

Jungkook: Nothing in particular....

Namjoon: So, you just came to let me rant at you for 15 minutes?

Lisa: *smiling* your company is always appreciated....


Namjoon: you're distracting me while Jisoo and Taehyung do something stupid....

Lisa: look at the time, I must be off...I don't want to be late for my dance class...

Jungkook: me too lali... pleasure talking to you Namjoon hyung, we must leave now.....


Namjoon: They're all alike.....


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