Chapter One

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Hey guys! So, there will be parts that are in French throughout the story, and all the translations with be in bold. (: 

Chapter One

“Je te hais! Commet pourriez-vous faire cela pour moi?!” I screamed at my parents, as I ran up to my room, slamming my door shut behind me. (I hate you! How could you do this to me?!) I pounced on my bed, and started just screaming into my pillow. My parents had just told me the worst thing. We were moving. 460 kilometers. They decided they wanted us to move to London, which is 460 freaking kilometers away from Paris! 460 kilometers! What parent in their right mind does that to their child who only has one year of school left!? Now I have to go make new friends?! In a whole new place?! Not to mention London is freaking huge, way too many people. Well, so does Paris, but that’s not the point!

Once I stopped crying, I got on my laptop, and started doing the one thing that would make me feel better; fangirl over One Direction. I mean, truly, they’re probably the only thing that could ever make me feel better after getting this news.

After a while of that, I got to the point where there wasn’t anything new to see. I plugged my iPod into the stereo and put it on ‘Little Bird’ by Ed Sheeran, making sure that it was on repeat. Remembering what my parents had told me when I got home, I decided I’d better start packing everything up.


As soon as I walked in the front door when I got home, I knew something was going on. There were boxes everywhere, like someone was moving. At that point, I was really scared so I called out, “Maman? Papa? Ou es-tu?” My whole body was trembling. (Mom? Dad? Where are you?)

They came into the living room where I had been, and had identical looks of guilt on their faces. My mom started speaking first. “Nous avons quelque chose a tu dire,” she paused. “Nous sommes déménager vers Londres.” (We have something to tell you. We’re moving to London.)

I felt my whole world stop at that moment. I couldn’t believe what they were telling me. “J’ai obtenu un nouvel emploi. Je ne peux pas revenir dessus maintenant,” my dad told me, the guilt in his eyes far more prominent then in my mom’s. (I got a new job. I can’t go back on it now.)

“Papa, pourquoi?” I asked, the tears in my eyes threatening to overflow. (Dad, why?)

“Nous n’avions pas assez d’argent avant, maintenant, nous allons.” (We didn’t have enough money before, now we will.)

And that’s when I lost it.


I began by carefully taking all my posters off of my walls. Once I finished with that, I rolled them all together, and grabbed a rubber band from off my desk to put around them. I went over to my bookshelf to start packing all my books up, knowing it would take me the longest. I sighed, realizing I needed boxes, and I’d have to go downstairs.

I grudgingly went downstairs and grabbed a few boxes, and a thing of tape after asking where they were. I went back to my room and threw them on my bed, but kept one in my hand. I unfolded it and taped up the bottom. Walking over to my bookshelf, I began to neatly place all my books in the box.

When I was finished with the books, I didn’t have any boxes left, so I decided it was time to start telling people. I started with my best friend, Ebony, knowing I would have the hardest time telling her.

She answered on the second ring, “Salut! What’s up?”

“Not much, just packing up some stuff.”

“What do you mean? Are you going somewhere?” she questioned, you could hear the concern in her voice.

“I’m...moving, Ebony,” I answered, my voice cracking.

I heard her sniffle, and instantly the tears came to my eyes. “Where?”


“A-And how far is that exactly?”

The tears started coming harder then. “460 kilometers.”

“I’ll come visit you, I promise. I’d swim the Channel if I have to. It can’t be that hard right? Swimming the Channel? Everyone does it.”

After we were done talking, I finished packing. Looking around my room, it looked incredibly bare. I didn’t like it at all. “Marguerite! Diner est effectuée,” my mom called me from downstairs. (Marguerite! Dinner is done.)

I headed into the dining room, and sat down in my spot when I got there. Once my parents were seated and we all had our plates full, I began the questioning. “Lorsque nous sommeslaissant?” (When are we leaving?)

They both got the same looks of guild they had when they told me, and I knew it wasn’t good. “Demain,” my dad spoke. (Tomorrow.)

I just shock my head in disbelief, and dropped the conversation all together. “Je peux être excuse?” (Can I be excused?)

“Oui.” (Yes.)

“Merci,” I muttered. (Thank you.) I took my plate into the kitchen and set it on the counter next to the sink. I went up to my room, and collapsed on my bed, not caring what clothes I was in, and fell asleep.


I woke up the next morning, hoping it was all just a bad dream, but it wasn’t. I called Ebony first thing, she answered on the first ring. “Marci! Did you find out when you were leaving?!”

“I...I’m leaving in a few hours,” I told her, my voice cracking as I did so.

She broke down, I could hear her sobbing on the other end. I broke down as well.

Once we both calmed down enough to speak, she said, “I’ll miss you.”

At the same time I said, “I’m sorry.” I hung up on her, and turned off my phone, I couldn’t talk to her right now.

Maybe it wasn’t the best idea to do that, but I had to start loading boxes into whatever we were taking them in. I looked out my window and saw a moving truck parked outside, and my parents putting boxes into it. Sighing, I went to help them.

Once the whole truck was loaded and everything was out of the house, we all got in the car, and headed off towards Calais, where our ferry was waiting to take us to Dover. From there we’d travel to our new home; in the middle of London. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2013 ⏰

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