Late-night talk // Sasusaku (E)

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A/N: Somehow this happened to be written in English. I don't know how that happend, and I apologize for mistakes. English is not my first language, although I do not realize sometimes, if I'm reading/writing in English or German.


-Both 20, together


Gewidmet an InuyashaChan6, die sich dieses Pairing gewünscht hat. ~


They would have late night talks, their fingers intervined. Eyes glancing into the darkness of their inner light.

He would tell her that the fact he committed about himself when Team 7 was put together was his first lie. Back then he said, he didn't like something in particular.

Indeed he told it to the exact people he started to like, to love and he detested this feeling so much, because he feared they could leave him alone, just like his family did. They could betray him, like he thought Itachi did at that time.

Sakura reminded him so much of his mother. Always so caring and making a fuss about every little injury. Every single word of her would have made him cry, if he didn't pretend it was so annoying.

"Your logic back then was annoying", Sakura teased her boyfried, gently chuckling and squeezing his hand while doing so.

Sasuke made a face, then laughed along. How many times said this to Sakura. "That's my payback, I suppose."

"I suppose you are right", Sakura laughed.

He would tell her what a crazy feeling it was for him, when she hugged him in the land of waves, thinking he was dead and cried like there was no tomorrow. How he thought for a moment, that he died and his mother would cry because he was with them in heaven. And then, when the moment of realisation came, that on earth there was somebody who cared enough to burst into tears just because of him. He didn't think there would be someone, but there was Sakura.

Guilt crept inside him, because he knew he would fight Itachi and couldn't tell if he'll be the winner. He knew he would make Sakura cry. His heart ached. So he coverd his rising emotional chaos up with rage.

Sakura gently brushed through his hair and he told her how afraid he was, when Sakura stood up to fight for him and Naruto in the forest of death during the chunin-exams. How his mind went blanc the second someone had hurt her and he begged for all the power Orochimarus cursed seal could give him, just to protect her.

He didn't like to commit it back then, but Sakura had always been dear to his heart. He tried to make up a lie for himself. That he never wanted to see someone near to him die again and that's why he started to act. But in fact there was no other word in his mind than: Sakura, Sakura, Sakura.

He admitted that he did not quite remember what happend until she reached out for him and hugged him from behind to stop him. He just felt the relief that she was save.

Sakura gently kissed his fingers and Sasuke smiled.

"Back then I thought hell would break loose", Sakura whispered. "This merciless fighting machine wasn't your. I was so afraid. I knew deep inside, lost in all of this power, was the kindhearted Sasuke I loved. The Sasuke, who forgot about the timelimit of Kakashis bell-challenge to wait until I'd wake up from a genjutsu, the Sasuke who nearly gave his life for Naruto."

"Thank godness you found me", Sasuke whispered.

Then he went on to talk and talk about all of their moments that meant so much to him. All the moments he couldn't bear back then, in order to defeat Itachi.

"I wish, I would have enjoyed and fancied them, instead of fearing I would endear someone and loose him", whispered Sasuke. "I wish I would have been nicer to you, fancied those moments with you instead of running away from them."

"You can do that now, Sasuke", Sakura whispered back.

"I will", he said firmliy, sitting up to look into her emerald green eyes, which sparkled like the stars outside.

𝑽𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒄𝒉𝒐𝒓  // Fall in love at Konoha University //OneshotsammlungWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt