Chapter 34

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Jungkook stared blankly into the air and soon turned back to his father.

Jin, who had been trying to persuade him, looked at his son and hardened his facial expression.

A moment later, his smiling face disappeared out of nowhere and Jungkook, who had a doll-like expression, spoke to him.

“But, Father.”


Jin could not answer his son because he felt like something was blocking his throat, and he could not bring forth his voice.

Jungkook spoke again in a quiet and calm voice, just staring at him emotionlessly with his eyes wide open.

“Hand over the Duchy to me now.”


Jungkook had to carry out a rigorous schedule for years for the sake of soon taking over the Duke’s authority.

It was Jin who knew it better than anyone that he couldn’t hold him down anymore.

Jungkook, who was still staring at him after saying his piece, suddenly turned his back as if he didn’t care even about Jin’s answer.

And as Jin looked at Jungkook’s retreating figure for a long time, Jin finally breathed out a stifled breath after his son finally disappeared into the darkness.

Jin wiped the sweat off his forehead with his trembling fingertips.

Feeling dizzy, he put his hand on a window frame in the hallway.

He recalled the conversation he had with his father before. No, he basically just reenacted it.

[ Are you telling me I’m sick…? Are you really saying that I’m sick? Father! ]

[ What you are doing is not love. It’s a delusion. How can you say that you love another man? ]

[ But Father… I know it is true in my heart. My heart beats only when he’s around. ]

[ It’s a disease. It’s a very disgusting mental illness. Otherwise… ]

Jin murmured, still recalling the voice of his father who was belittling him.

“Father… it seems like this illness is hereditary.”

While thinking of Jungkook, who was staring at him with the same crazy eyes as he did, Jin put a little strength to his hand while holding the window frame.

“I’ve denied it so far… but I think my son is right, Father.”

There was no one around him while he laughed as if he had lost his mind. Only the locket around his neck sparkled as if it were responding.


I then checked the notes given to Damian and found Amber.


“Yes, Milady.”

“I want to go out for a while…”

“Very well, Milady.”

Amber was still as competent as ever. Even if I didn’t have to say much in the end, she started to prepare everything herself.

“Ah, if possible, I don’t want to ride a carriage that has the Duchy’s emblem on it.”

However, as if I were being interrogated, she narrowed her eyes and asked.

“Milady, what else are you going to do?”

 I Became the Younger Sister of Mr. JeonWhere stories live. Discover now