Chapter Twelve

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(This chapter contains minor spoilers for the Wanderlust series)

The day before we were leaving for East Draulin, Tannix and I went down to the barracks to meet with the knights. Tannix was carrying a sword so elaborately decorated that it couldn't possibly be useful. I had seen it before, hanging from Lord Tandrael's hip at Tannix's Order ceremony. When we stepped out into their courtyard, with Jalor in tow, the men all stopped what they were doing and turned to us. Everyone but Acen looked puzzled.

"They should be back any moment," he said.

I realized the twins were missing, just as they strolled into the courtyard. Joen's wife was walking between them, holding her youngest daughter and chatting with Kor. The older daughter was sitting on Ender's shoulders, looking around with huge eyes. Her face broke into a pretty grin when she saw Joen. Ender dropped to one knee so she could slide off of his back.

Joen crouched just as his daughter launched herself into his arms. He stood, holding her above his head and spinning as she giggled. "Lylah, did you drag mama all the way up here to say goodbye?"

Lylah laughed. "No, papa. Those reflection men came to get us."

Joen lowered Lylah so her feet touched the ground, but he was still holding her tight. "They're called twins, darling."

"But you said that when I saw another me in the shiny metal, she's called a reflection."

The twins exchanged a glance over Joen's wife's head. "You're the reflection," they said, in nearly perfect unison.

Lylah reached into the pocket of her dress and pulled out a handful of braids. "Papa look! Mama said I should make good luck for everybody." She didn't wait for Joen to comment, but immediately walked across the courtyard to stand in front of Tannix. "Mama said you like blue. So we bought special blue leather for you." She carefully untangled a blue braid from the bundle in her hand, her tongue sticking out the corner of her mouth as she concentrated. Finally, the braid was free from the others and she held it up.

Tannix didn't know the story behind Joen's leather bracelet, but he crouched anyway and offered Lylah his left wrist. "Would you mind tying it on for me?"

Lylah shoved the rest of the bracelets into her pocket and got to work tying the bracelet in place. When it was secure, she stepped back, smiling proudly. "It's going to protect you."

"I feel much safer already." Tannix smiled. "Thank you, Miss Lylah."

Lylah giggled, and she looked over her shoulder towards her parents. "He called me Miss Lylah."

Her mother smiled. "Go on, darling. We don't have much time to visit."

Lylah nodded, her face scrunched up like she was trying to look serious. She stopped in front of me next, and held up the second blue braid. "There was extra blue. This matches your other bracelets," she explained, before rushing off to hand out the rest of her bracelets.

I tied it around my right wrist, tugging the knots tight with my left hand and my teeth. She went to Jalor next, and helped him tie the bracelet around his right wrist. Soon, we were all wearing Lylah's leather bracelets. As she returned to her mother's side, Tannix spoke up.

"Joen, I invited Catia and your daughters here this evening because I thought they should witness your knighting. Yes, normally this would be a bit more elaborate and ceremonial, but we don't have time for that. So, if this is still what you want, we can do it right now."

To my surprise, Joen's immediate response was to look at his wife. She was crying. Joen drew her into his arms. Catia was short and plump, and Joen was so large that she nearly disappeared in his embrace. She was still crying when they pulled apart, but she was also smiling.

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