Chapter 6

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    “Look what you did, you wasteful...” He stopped his sentence short.
     “What were you going to call me?” I questioned as he ripped some of his spotless, white shirt to wrap around my hand.
     “Doesn't matter, pet. Forget about it.”
     “No, I want to know.”
     “I said to forget about it, now since you’re so eager to spill your blood before its time, we might as well get going.”
     He started walking, but I didn’t follow.
     I looked around for anything to hit him with, but there was nothing.
     “You're not following me.” He turned back to me, waiting patiently.
     “Probably because I'm not ready to die, do you really think I'm just going to come willingly?” I straightened and crossed my arms.
     “Well that would be much easier for the both of you if you did.” He answered, waving James back.
     “Make her follow me.” Liam commanded.
     James started walking over to me.
     Ok, all I have to do is touch him and we can leave. I thought.
     “I see the hope in your eyes.” He grinned. “I'm blocking his power.” He laughed crewly.
     My shoulders sagged at the same time James grabbed my arm roughly and pulled me towards Liam.
     I hit him and said. “Let me go, don’t let him kill me!”
     “He can’t do anything of his own free will anymore. Your attempts are useless.”
     “He would never let you hurt me if he had his own mind right now.”
     “That may be true, but he only has one thought right now and that is to kill you.”
     I narrowed my eyes unwilling to die so easily.
     I dropped and acted like dead weight.
     It slowed James only a little before he tossed me over his shoulder and carried on.
     He dropped me at Liams feet.
     “Please, I didn’t do anything to you.” I begged.
     “Oh, but your ancestors did, and someone has to pay for it.”
     Takoda appeared behind Liam.
     “Take this, Illusion Morpher scum!” He said as he shoved Liam over, making him topple over me, breaking his concentration that he was using to control James and block his power.
     “See you on earth.” Takoda saluted us and then teleported away.
     James and I followed soon after.

     We were back in the elevator.
     “I'm so sorry, Chloe.” He said, speaking in a whisper. “I let myself get close to you and we portal jumped again and again you almost died because of me.”
     “Calm down, this was not even close to being as bad as the dragon.” I soothed him.
     “In a way this could be worse though.” He argued. “He's an illusionist, Liam's kind is crazy.”
     “Yeah I kinda figured out that one for myself.” I laughed. “He thought I was one of you.”
     “He’s gone completely nuts then, I don’t know why he thought he could feel any aura off you.”
     “It could have been because you held me up before we portal jumped.”
     “I guess so.”
     The elevator doors opened and we didn’t talk about it until we got to the car.
     James sat in the front so I sat in the back by myself.
     “I thought Rebecca said you two were finally getting along well.”
     “We had an incident with an Illusion Morpher a few minutes ago.” James said stiffly.
     She looked alarmed for a second. “Are you two alright?”
     I held up my hand so she could see it in the rearview mirror.
     “Just a little cut, can I go home instead?” I asked her.
     “Of course, dear. I'll have Rebecca teleport your stuff back since we don't have it with us.”
     “Thank you.”
     “Of course dear, you must be feeling homesick by now.”
     “Just a little.”

     “Hey, I’ll see you tomorrow?” James asked when the car stopped in my driveway.
     “Of course you will silly.”
     “I-I’m glad you know I wouldn’t have hurt you if I had a choice back there.”
     “Well, yeah, you’re my friend of course you wouldn't hurt me.”
     “Right… Friends. I guess I better go then.” He turned and left without saying goodbye.

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