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elizabetholsen instagram story

elizabetholsen instagram story

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skylersawyer instagram story

skylersawyer instagram story

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caradelevingue instagram story

caradelevingue instagram story

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skylersawyer: "skyler take a picture of me with the goose" turns out she was scared of the goose :) tagged: caradelevingue1

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skylersawyer: "skyler take a picture of me with the goose" turns out she was scared of the goose :)
tagged: caradelevingue
1.8m likes || 479,3k comments

usera: the duo i never knew i needed

userq: lmao she does look scared

caradelevingue: but i still look good!!
- skylersawyer: yeah well... you look mostly scared

elizabetholsen: have fun my love <3
- skylersawyer: i love you

userg: elizabeth's comment :((

sarahpaulson: that was hilarious!

userj: but she's so prettyyyy

userh: did you named the goose?
- skylersawyer: yeah... i did
- caradelevingue: she called it pops 😂

userk: how's toronto?
- skylersawyer: amazing!!

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