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skylersawyer instagram story

skylersawyer instagram story

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caradelevingue: picnic with this one! tagged: skylersawyer 1

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caradelevingue: picnic with this one!
tagged: skylersawyer
1.8m likes || 375,6k comments

usera: oh no

userv: she's so pretty

anyataylorjoy: aw she's so cute 💗

userd: what is she doing???

userp: they're filming together guys they can't ignore each other

userq: i can't believe it

userw: she's rubbing it in our faces..

userk: why sky is still hanging out with her??


message from: chloe

good morning sunshine

hello chlo
what's up

i know it's none of my business
but you know how i genuinely care about you

you're scaring me

are you still hanging out with cara?

yeah i'm with her right now

after she humiliated you on the internet
and humiliated lizzie?
and herself in the process, what she did was so immature

i don't know chloe
i'm really upset about that
but i really like her
and we talked when i came back she said how much she was sorry
i mean we're filming together all the time and we had a good friendship before her outburst on twitter
i can't just stop being friend with her?
i don't know that's not fair

honestly i don't like her sky
you're too nice with her
with everyone actually but especially HER
i don't want her to hurt you or lizzie

i won't let her hurt lizzie

please take care of yourself sky
you know you can text me if you need to talk
you can even tell me to come see you i don't care i'll do it
i know i lonely it feels to film somewhere you don't know anyone
and i know especially how it feels for you to be away from home and from lizzie
so i understand you want to stay friends with her but be careful

thank you chlo for being such an amazing friend
i really appreciate that
love you

love you

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