Part 1

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Splash! Partygoers cannonball into the pool, one after the other, accompanied by laughter and squeals of those forcibly tugged into the sun-warmed water. Fruity spiked drink in hand, you weave through the crowd bopping to the beats of the latest summer hit, the volume turned all the way up to blasting. You're currently looking for your phone. To be exact, you're looking for the person you trusted it to: your best friend, Taehyung. The search would be a simple one... if you weren't just a bit too hammered at the moment.

Aha. You think you spot the crop of his dark hair through the gyrating bodies and stumble over. It's indeed Taehyung, currently dancing with a girl you've seen around once or twice before. One of his arms is cradled around her bared waist, the other gripping her thigh. His eyes are shut, dark brows pulled tight as he nods along to the booming bass.

"Tae!" You call, grabbing his arm. "Tae!" You have to shout despite only being a foot away.

He turns, breaking into a grin when he sees you. "Hey, what's up?"

"My phone! Can I have my phone?"

"Oh, yeah, yeah! Hold on." He reaches into his shorts, fishing for a few seconds before he produces it. "Here."

"Cool, thanks." You lean in, playfully kissing him on the cheek.

Treasure in hand, you try to find a place that's quiet. Well, as quiet as a house party can be. That place happens to be the study, a room tucked away in the back that is mostly empty, save for a couple that's making out passionately in the corner. You ignore them as you sink into a seat and hurriedly press your finger to the phone's sensor.

The familiar selfie of you and Taehyung pops up on the screen and like usual, you pause and smile. It doesn't deter you from your goal though. You thumb over the LINE app, waiting for it to load. Your thought process is this: you're totally drunk, and that guy you went out on a date with last week, Jung Namjoon, hasn't messaged you since. So, you're just going to check in. Totally casual. Effortless. Some might even say breezy.

You force your vision to focus as you scroll through the conversations, finding the one you're looking for not too far down the list.

[10:30pm] you: mm, i still prefer panties. theres just something about the lace that gets me.
[10:31pm] you: even better if they're strappy and cheeky. makes me wanna rip them off

Wait. What the hell?

You read it again.

And again.

Your stomach turns. There is no way you sent such a message to Namjoon, especially not after a single date...right? You weren't even friends; he was just a guy you met on a dating app and thought was cute. Shit. But the evidence is right here. Your drunk mind says you have to block him. You have to pretend this never happened.

Desperately, you open Namjoon's profile. He's smiling broadly in the picture, posing under an enormous tree. You squint. Even in your current state, you can tell the man in the photo is definitely handsome. He's also definitely not Jung Namjoon. Instinctively, you brush your finger over the 'nickname' tab. Kim Namjoon. Oh. That's one of Tae's friends.


This is Tae's phone.

"Oh, shit."

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