Extras: Seeing Red - Part 1

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It starts with a package.

No, like an actual package. Cardboard, tape, your name smack dab on the label. Delivered right to your door by a dude in a neon safety vest. You don't actually notice when it arrives, because you're too busy lying on your bed, catching up on the latest episode of Seokjin's mukbang channel. This week, he eats seven lobsters and spills some juicy gossip (without naming any names, of course, but you can count on at least one story about Jungkook's wild adventures).

"Babe, there's something here for you!" Taehyung's voice cuts through Seokjin's squeaky laugh. You slam your fingers onto the spacebar and grin at the frozen image of his face caught all scrunched up in mirth. "A box."

"Huh?" You frown. Did you go drunk Amazon shopping again? "I don't think I ordered anything though. Can you open it?" There's just a minute left to go on the video.


You giggle as Seokjin finishes the last lobster, wiping his fingers on paper towel with utter satisfaction in his eyes. You close the laptop lid and push up off the bed with the urge to give Taehyung a kiss, then ask him if he wants to do takeout for dinner.

Your eyes find him bent over the kitchen counter, box open, back towards you.

"Tae? What was in the box?" You ask, but he doesn't reply. "Tae?"

At the sound of your footsteps, a shirtless Taehyung slowly spins around. His lips are twisted in a frown, the rest of his features fierce and biting. It's not a look you see on him often, but it's one his brutal honesty can never hide. Dark red fabric is between his hands.

"What is this."

His voice has dropped an octave. It does something to your stomach that makes you freeze, a nervous heat building at the back of your neck.

"I said, what. Is. This."

Deliberately, he draws his broad hands apart. It pulls whatever the hell it is taut. Against all odds, you see delicate lace. Oh fuck.

"I... I don't know," is your automatic stammer. But you are both too aware that it can really only be one thing. Lingerie. The skimpy kind. The very, very expensive kind. Far too much to be a prank or a game any of your mostly broke friends could send.

"What the fuck," Taehyung eyes slide to the label before flicking back to paralyze you again, "is Jung Hoseok doing sending you this?"


"Oh wait. There's more." He lets the lace drop from a hand. Then he reaches into the box and casually pulls out a dark cherry envelope. His long fingers frame it on both sides, pinching it as he taps it on the counter once, twice to make sure you're looking.

Oh god. Oh god, there's a card.

You instinctively reach out for it but Taehyung's faster. He gets it out of its sleeve, flips it open, and starts to read out loud. "Hey baby. Thinking hard about you. Wanna see you in this so bad." He can't quite hide the hint of amusement in his tone. "Remember how you used to show off that ass for me? Cause I do."

"Tae, c'mon—"

"Try this little present on and give me a video call, yeah?" The fingers that span the card tense to the point that they're straight up squeezing. "Yours, Hoseok." He finishes the name like a curse. With an excruciating patience, he holds your stare, his tongue jammed in his cheek to make an obvious bulge. He's intentionally waiting for you to speak, as if he likes seeing you flustered. (He does. He really does.)

"I... Guess Hoseok didn't hear that we got together?" You offer with a grimace, pulling at your top.

"Uh huh." The card drops with a quiet thump. You hope, fleetingly, that he's just going to drop the subject just as easily. Wishful thinking, for Taehyung follows up with, "so. What are you waiting for?"


"Put it on." Your boyfriend holds out the lingerie.

Your eyes narrow. "Tae. What're you playing at."

"What? Someone sent you a nice gift. Don't let it go to waste. Be a good girl."

Did he really just— jeez, Tae. He never calls you that outside of the sheets, probably to avoid triggering some Pavlovian response because he knows exactly what it does to you.

Oh. Maybe that's exactly what he wants right now.

Never one to back down from a challenge, you step forward and snatch the lingerie from his hands. "Fine. I'm a good girl."

It takes you a second to drop your shorts. Three to tug your loose tank top over your head. You fight to keep your face straight but it's hard when Taehyung's interest is noticeably stolen by your bare chest. You love when he looks like that, like he could sweetly devour you and have you still wanting more. That's why you take your time with the panties, just plain ones this time, hooking your fingers under the band. You let them fall to the ground at an easy pace.

Now you're completely naked, and Taehyung hasn't moved a single muscle since you started.

It's when you slowly drag the crimson lace across your upper thighs that the first crack forces its way through. "Fuck," he whispers under his breath, hand fisted tight where it rests on the counter.

You stare down at the lingerie and try to figure out how to put it on. It's a one piece, so you have to step into the lace. As soon as you do, as soon as its softness envelops your legs when you start to pull it up, Taehyung swallows. Loudly. Hoseok sure can pick his gifts. You're sure that Taehyung, with all his interests, knows exactly how high the quality of lace is as you urge it up your body.

The bodysuit is just your size, of course. Hugging your curves, it stretches out across every inch of skin as you get it past your hips. You've always loved the confidence that pieces like this exude. Especially when they make Taehyung lick his lips over and over as if he doesn't know what the hell to do with himself anymore. You think you hear him groan when you hide your chest with the lace (though a little pointless with the extremely immodest cut), momentarily looking down to make sure everything fits properly before sliding the straps on your shoulders.

"So." You put a hand on your hip and tap your nails against the red. "How does it look?"

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