Extras: Ask My Muse

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These asks were from a tumblr game I played a while back :)

ask: Hi! OLAL Taehyung have you always loved y/n? Or was it purely lust some of the time

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ask: Hi! OLAL Taehyung have you always loved y/n? Or was it purely lust some of the time

"It's not really so clear cut between love, lust, and friendship." Tae hums. "There wasn't a moment where it snapped into my brain that I was in love with her. More like I just kept finding myself wanting to hold her hand and be by her side all the time. And that feeling and alllll these other ones just kept building and adding together. But I've always been drawn to her, not just in a sexual way. As best friend or girlfriend, I need her in my life." He looks fondly over at you, bent over the sofa to grab something off the coffee table. Casually, he reaches out and smacks your butt.


Tae winks. "I definitely won't complain about getting to tap this fine ass though."

ask: Olal Tae how would you react if you knew y/n got all hot and bothered from the sounds of you fvcking in the other room

Taehyung whips his head towards you, something undoubtedly dangerous and thrilling in his gaze. "You never told me that you heard us that night! And you enjoyed it?" He wiggles his eyebrows, as if challenging you to answer. "Did you touch yourself to me? Oh baby, did you cum thinking of me?"

"...It's not my fault! Y-You just kept saying all those filthy things and making those damn noises!"

You're expecting Tae to laugh at you, to take his amusement at how thirsty you were for him from the start. But instead, he sinks his teeth into his bottom lip. "God, that's so fucking hot." He leans towards you, cocks his head to a side. "Tell you what. Why don't we take you, me, and all my filthy words into the bedroom, and you can show me exactly what you did that night?"

ask: OLAL Tae do you ever just feel like you wanna drown in y/n's underwear drawer that's full of those cheekies

Taehyung's smile gets a little darker upon hearing the question, sliding right into a smirk. "All the damn time. Good thing my baby gives me free reign over it. And she lets me choose which pair she wears when I'll be one taking it off later." He winks.

"He is literally always buying new underwear. Once he even forgot to get groceries because he got distracted!" You laugh, snuggling up next to him and planting a fond kiss on his cheek. It's no biggie; the takeout (and dessert) that night had been delicious.

"But it's not really about the panties themselves." He has no qualms about sliding his hand beneath your short skirt and patting your ass. "It's about the gorgeous girl in them."

ask: OLAL Tae... what is your favorite position to put y/n in? Panties on or off?

"Against the wall with her pretty tits out. Panties on, of course, but shoved to the side because she can't even wait that long to have my cock inside her." Taehyung smirks. "My needy girl."

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