Strawberry crepe cookie x an outgoing reader

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Your an outgoing cookie always beating everyone's expectations and making a lot of friends along the way and two friends which you really connect with which are fig and clover cookie they're really funny to you and they're basically the only friends you can hangout with since they live in your kingdom. While the three of you walked around the forest while clover was singing to you and fig as you heard the birds singing along well tweeting at least as you guys were walking you just came to a stop as cake monsters were infront of you then you heard footsteps "one cookie No two cookies hide" you said you climbed a tree helping them up to the tree you saw a person with a cake arm and then you saw strawberry crepe cookie that surprised you "I told you to watch them and then you let them and they ran" the person with the cake arm said strawberry crepe cookie looked at them and just had a face that told I don't give a Cake you have to admit that face was hilarious but you had to conceal your laughter "well I left a pancake bot watching them because I just wanted to go see my friend. So now you know not to trust me with a cakemut red velvet" strawberry said red velvet looked offended on them saying mut concealing your laughter again your friends were also concealing their laughter "they are not cakemuts they are cake dogs if you say that again I catch it then you're dead" red velvet said strawberry crepe was just laughing by now "trust me their cakemuts regular dogs don't attack everything they see except if it's unnatural (I think) therefore there muts" strawberry crepe said between laughing  and red velvet was just standing there in surprise and confusion red velvet walked away cake in hand and then afterwards you followed to see where the cookies do evil live you took a picture of the place clover and herb were behind you fairly afraid and then you all ran back

~1 hour later~

You walked to gingerbrave and showed him the picture he then asked "how did you get this any cookie would be afraid to go there to take a picture of it" you giggled "well I guess you could say I'm a outgoing cookie" you said and then heard someone yelling your name "Y/N!" You looked over and saw strawberry crepe and walked towards them to hug them "why didn't you tell me you were a cookie of evil" you whispered as you let go of the hug they scratched the back to their head and said "that's mostly because I quit but they still come to me for favors" you giggled and you both just started talking

The Sweet To The Sour   Strawberry Crepe Cookie X Reader FluffWhere stories live. Discover now