Help You

35 11 31

Close your eyes, it's just the midnight autumn stares,
Try to sleep, forget the live rotten nightmares,
Don't count the seconds, they're confusing,
They tend to freeze when you're hurting

Move on, forget it all, it'll be spring all over again,
Endure it, don't drop those tears even when it rains,
Don't think, it's too much and you know it too,
Why can't you let go of that mistake made by you?

It's winter, don't go bare foot in the snow that beholds,
You know ice makes you bleed, why are you so cold?
Break it down, don't go hard on yourself for no reason,
You know every new year brings a new season

Right now I see your reflection in this glass mirror,
The girl that shines on the outside isn't full of nature,
That look in your brown eyes, they look so blue,
I really try to help everyone but why can't I help you?


It's not a poem book by me if it doesn't have a shine pun in every 3d poem you read. Now, is it?


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