13.How to survive

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Xiao stared at the mirror blankly, his vision became fuzzy and his throat constricted. Martha smiled and leaned down to his ear level

"You look scared,Mei"

Xiao turned his head to face the woman, tears brimmed the edges of his eyes
"P-please...I want to go back...I don't want to stay here... Please... I'll do whatever you say...please... "

The other lady burst into a wild laughter, she held her stomach as she threw her head back laughing her life out
"Idiot thinks he can get out of this hellhole by acting all cute and pitiful, ha, you make me laugh!"

"Xue BaoBao...you'rescaring him more"

Martha shook her head and crouched infront of Xiao, resting her palms on his laps

"Listen kid, once you step into the black market as a victim...all you can you do is pray whoever buys you is some nice rich dude "
"...I... don't want to get sold! "
"I know"

Martha smiled and lowered her head resting it on her palms
"A beauty like you would make us a lot of money... I wish to help you so your perfect beauty doesn't get destroyed, but what can I do? I'm just a drag makeup artist"

Xiao's head dropped, so did his hope of escaping
"-but there is one way you can last longer here"
"I'll teach you how to survive in here "

LOVING MY ENEMY[Yaoi/ BxB/ Denmai]Where stories live. Discover now