12.Black market

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Mo grunted irritatedly as he scoured the area. His hair was now dishelved and out of place, his hands had turned white due to him squeezing them in a tight fist.
"Damn idiot, where did he go now?"

His phone buzzed violently in his pocket, he reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone, an unknown caller ID was displayed on the screen but No knew who it was

"Xuan... I'm busy right now"
The person on the other end chuckled,

"Awwn, brother please be nice now"
"Let me get straight to the point...I'm going to the black market to get some 'goods'"
"So, why are you telling me? "

Mo groaned irritatedly, his face turned slight red from anger

"Incase I get missing, just know I went to the black market"
"Even if you get killed I don't and won't give a fuck"
"Awwn, I love you too brother "

MO angrily cut the call, he sighed and dialed another number on his phone, it was picked on the fourth ring

"Calamari Ken here, who is this? "
"Ck, it me Mo"
"MO Quinn? "
"Yo, long time bro! "
"I know, I need your help"
"Sure, what do you need? "

The string scent of perfume and scented dye forced its way into Xiao's nostrils. His head felt heavy and dizzy as he tried opening his eyes, heat and the sound of blow dryers filled the atmosphere causing him to squint his eyes. He felt his hair being tugged at and combed through

"I've never seen such a frail and beautiful man!"

A woman cooed and caressed Xiao's face, her soft fingers traced his soft jawline and his plump lips

"Where... am... I? "
"He speaks Martha!"
"Of course he'll speak what do you think he is a dumb plastic toy? "

The woman, Martha, stroked Xiao's chin, her dark eyes reflected his visage

"Now, sweetheart what's your name? "
Xiao stared at the woman blankly, he wasn't not actually staring at her but glaring at his reflection in her eyes

"Darling, what's your name? "
Martha blinked and it seemed to snap him out of his daydream

"Hmm? "
"What's your name? "
"Mirror... I want to see myself"

Martha went out of view and all be could see was the white ceiling above. There was a slight creak and the chair he was sorted in was propelled to the front causing him to jerk forward, his head ached terribly


He slowly opened his eyes, what he saw nearly made his jaw hit the porcelain floor. His once black hair was now a flawless white and was cut in a style he had seen on Korean popstars, his ears were pierced and held black pin earrings with a cross at the bottom

'Did I transmigrate? My eyes are the same but not my features, does that mean I'm dead... I'm free? Free from everything? Yes!! God of life and death it took you so long! '

Xiao smiled faintly and touched his cheek, then something hit him

'If I transmigrated, then where am I? When am I? Who am I? The lady was asking for my name ...is she not meant to know? Should I tell my real name? No, Xiao make up a name'

He glanced around the room, his eyes caught a small poster with a tiny lotus on it and one name came to his head

"Mei Lien"

"Mei Lien? That's a girly name for a guy! " the other lady burst into a laughing fit making Xiao burn red

"Your parents named you well... You are a beautiful lotus indeed"

"Thank you... um, by the way, where am I? "
"Oh that's right... he was brought in cold...tell him Martha"
"Mei dear, you are currently in the beauty house of the Black market of Shanghai"

LOVING MY ENEMY[Yaoi/ BxB/ Denmai]Where stories live. Discover now