Leave The House and Make it a Home.

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Nadie: She/They

47: She/Him

Spruce: He/They

Snap: She/Him

Toby: They/Them

Sam: Any

Sxphia: She/Her

Yellow: She/Her

Maple: They/Them

Capri: They/Them

Gemini: Any

A loud knock on the door made Sam jump, she had just finished washing the dishes, because she was waiting for their cookies to bake, and was now putting them away, Toby was beside them, helping put away the cups.

It's not like it wasn't normal for them to get a knock on their door, they get at the least 15 noise complaints each day. Mostly from KK and Maple screaming, or Gemini and Capri "play-arguing" as the two trouble makers called it.

Although this knock was different, it was long, and it had a certain pattern that made everyone close to the door smile brightly.

Nadie rushed to the door, throwing it open and practically throwing Yellow into the house, Sam ran up to her and threw xer arms around Yellow.

"We haven't seen you in so long, what adventure were you on this time?"

Visits from Yellow were special, she was an international pilot, which meant the Sandwich household barely got to see her. Whenever she was home, Maple would quiet down, KK would promise to not kill or sacrifice anybody during her visits.

It was very peaceful whenever Yellow came home, and the household savored the small moments of quiet.

Sam slowly left the embrace, a bright smile on his face.

"I was asked to bring some archeologists to the ruins of the Inca civilization in South America, turns out they found what they were looking for faster than expected, I was able to get home early."

Suddenly Yellow was shoved into a very energetic embrace from Maple, followed by a few mutterings of 'we missed you!'

KK also went into the embrace, he wasn't really one to be affectionate, but she sure was damn good at it.

Maple jumped out of the embrace, but kept their hands on Yellow's shoulders. "You haven't texted me for 3 weeks! 3 weeks Yellow! You can't do that to a person!"

Yellow giggled as she pulled Maple's hands off her shoulders. "Ancient civilizations don't exactly have the best wifi, and you can't text and fly."

Maple muttered something like 'fuck you' but then walked to the couch and flopped right next to Spruce. Then put her middle finger up and put it above the back of the couch and showed it to Yellow.

Snap, who was coming downstairs from his room, burst out laughing. A few seconds later, a disgruntled Sxphia came from their room on the normal floor. As Sxphia put it, 'if you are trying to sleep on that floor, you will never ever sleep again.'

Both of the people immediately brightened up at the sight of Yellow standing by the doorway, she waved to them before getting tackled into a hug for what feels like the 10th time that day.

"Get off me or I will hit you with a shoe." Snap immediately ran over to the couch and hid behind it, Maple putting their head over the armrest and whispering, "Coward!" 

"I Gemini, amazing ruler of the-" Gemini stands- or well, stood on the top of the stairs, Capri replaces them, whooping silently as Gemini groans in her uncomfortable position on the ground.

"Oh how the mighty have fallen." Capri says in a dramatic voice, then skipping down the stairs elegantly they flopped onto the other side of Spruce and started wrestling Maple for the TV remote.

Yellow laughs and walks over to Gemini, helping the idiot up, she pulled Gemini into an embrace and smelled his signature berry scent.

Toby finished putting away the plates- honestly Sam had forgotten all about them with Yellow being here.

"Dishes are yours next time, and no more complaining about it." Toby dramatically flicked Sam's forehead and then went over to Yellow, strangled Gemini and then replaced xem in an embrace with their friend. 

Sam pouted but then joined her friends on the couch, in which Spruce had broken up Capri and Maple's fight about the movie. He shoved Maple off the couch and punched Capri in the face.

Maple sat staring at their 'beloved Spruce' in fake offense.

"My beloved husband has shoved me, I've never felt more betrayed in my life." Maple said, dramatically putting a hand to their heart and pointed at Spruce then looked away.

"You're a goof." Spruce muttered, than grabbed Maple's hand and pulled them up, they shoved Maple into a small embrace in which they both smiled.

Sam grinned, the two had always had a great friendship with eachother, even going as far as to get platonically married.

Or- well, more like Maple going up to Spruce and saying with the straightest face they could muster, " You have to marry me so I can prove a point to 47 that people do love me."

Everybody was laughing after that, Yellow was home at that time. After the 'wedding' 47 lost a hundred bucks to a bet.

She barely saw Gemini sit down next to Capri with a pouty face, Sam looked over at them next.

The two had a great duo, you could even argue that they spent more time together than Maple and Spruce. And that was saying a lot with all the nights Sam was woken up by Maple and Spruce playing video games at 3am.

"I will never perish from the throne." Gemini mumbled, they then had a long staring contest. (Sam wasn't sure they blinked anyways, but a staring contest nonetheless)

Sxphia, Toby, and Yellow sat on the couch opposite xem, they then remembered 47, looking around the room only to find them eating an apple in the kitchen, staring off into space.

Sam smiled as he stood up and walked over to 47, then knocked him on the head

47 slowly came out of her state and ran over to the living room plopping right where Sam had sat. Snap was now talking to Maple and Spruce, propped up on his knees by the couch, his arms were on the armrest, her chin in her hands.

Sam smiled, xer household was perfect, any person was accepted with open arms, and while they all might be emotionally and mentally traumatized, they had each other, and that was enough.

Barely anyone in the room heard the small timer that went off, and Sam pull out soft and fresh cookies.

The perfect household.

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