Chapter 10 : A dance and a kiss

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Harry looked at Hermione in the silence of the night. The soft music that came from the radio was the only noise in the tent.

It's roundabout and it's somewhere here
Lost amongst our winnings

As Hermione was curled up with her arms around her legs, Harry found her more beautiful than ever. She was just beautiful, in another way. She wasn't made up, hair, or dressed like Bill and Fleur's wedding, she wasn't even dressed properly, yet Harry thought she was gorgeous. She was beautiful because of the strength that was in her. She was beautiful by the ferocity with which she fought. She was beautiful by her passion and her intelligence. She was beautiful in her loyalty. She was beautiful by the way she loved endlessly and unconditionally.

Oh, children
Lift up your voice, lift up your voice

Hearing the music on the radio, Harry had a somewhat bizarre idea. However, he did what he thought could bring a smile to his face, if only for a moment, in this time of darkness.

Oh, children,
Rejoice, rejoice

He stood up with more love and determination than he had ever felt before, and walked over to her. He held out his hand to her, without saying a word. She took it with a questioning look, and he helped her up. He looked at her intently, grabbed the Horcrux around his neck, and pulled it off.

Hey little train, we're jumping on,
The train that goes to the kingdom
We're happy Ma ', we're having fun
And the train ain't even left the station

He pulled her to the center of the room, and began to make her dance to the beat of the music. Harry had never been a very good dancer, and thought he must be looking silly at the moment, but he didn't care. He just wanted her to feel a little better, to forget about her problems even for a few minutes.

Hey little train, wait for me
I once was blind, but now I see
And have you left a seat for me?
Is that such a stretch of the imagination?

At first Hermione didn't seem very receptive to his attempt to cheer him up, but little by little she began to take a liking to dancing and let herself be carried away with him. Harry made her laugh and a feeling of happiness gripped the young man's body when he heard the sound of his best friend's laugh, which he hadn't heard for so long.

Hey little train, wait for me,
I was held in chains, but now I'm free
I'm hanging in there don't you see?
In this process of elimination

Harry spun her around, showed her her horrible dance steps, while Hermione sneered and did the same. He circled her around him, and even tried to make her waltz, an attempt which was a ridiculous failure.

Hey little train, we're jumping on
The train that goes to the station
We're happy Ma ', we're having fun
It's beyond my wildest expectations

Their laughter filled the air and he pulled her into his arms, rocking back and forth to the music.  Their laughter slowed down as did their dancing, and the music stopped.

Hey little train, we're jumping on,
The train that goes to the Kingdom ...

They parted, and looked each other in the eyes.
And that's when it happened.
Harry put his hand on Hermione's lower back, and pressed it against him. Hermione's arms wrapped around his neck as he pulled her towards him. Harry hesitated for a few moments, but this time decided to send his conscience to the devil, and kissed her. The kiss was soft, slow and tender. It was even better than anything he could have imagined. Before he even knew it, Harry's hands were already running up and down Hermione's back and her fingers were in the young man's hair.
They separated from each other for a split second and looked at each other.
A flash of panic passed over Hermione's face, and Harry immediately regretted his gesture.
Did she regret? Did she love him like he thought she loved him? Was it too early?
He had been waiting for this moment for years, he had finally arrived, and now he was afraid he had ruined everything. With Ron gone, Hermione was the only person he had left, what if she was too embarrassed after what had just happened and decided to leave too?
They were still looking at each other, not sure what to say or how to react to what had just happened.
Then Hermione pulled away from him, kissed him on the cheek, and went to bed without another word, while Harry stood there in the middle of the tent, wondering what had just happened.

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