Chapter 12 : The Battle of Hogwarts

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As he walked down the steps of the Hogwarts stairs, Harry saw Hermione and Ron sitting on it.

'We thought you were in the forest' Ron said with relief.
'I am going now.'

Their eyes filled with tears.
Harry had sweared to himself not to cry, but it was off to a bad start.

'You're crazy !?' Ron said with a shaky voice.

'W-what do you ... kn-know?' Hermione asked in a small voice.

It was enough, Hermione understood. She had already understood everything for a few weeks already, a few months perhaps. She knew he would have to die to win this battle.
She approached him sobbing.

'I'm coming with you' she said with determination.

Tears streamed down her face as Ron sobbed behind her.

'No, kill the snake, that way there will be only him left. Kill the snake and this will be all over.'
'Harry, please' Ron pleaded. 'There must be another solution. Please don't do that.'

Harry just smirked, a forced smile. A sad smile.  Probably the last smile he would ever give.

'Goodbye Ron, Hermione,' he whispered. 'I love you, thank you for being the best friends I could have dreamed of having, thank you for always staying with me, thank you. I love you.'

And he turned and started to go down the stairs.  However, as he was still going down, Hermione ran to him, and hugged him tight.

'S-Please tell me you'll come back alive, please' she sobbed.
'I can't promise you anything 'Mione.'

She hugged him again, and unexpectedly, she kissed him. A kiss that was soft and passionate at the same time, into which she tried to put all the love she had for him. He kissed her back as Ron smiled behind them.
Hermione broke the kiss and said:

'I love you, Harry, I love you so much ...'
'I love you too, 'Mione' he replied, kissing her on the forehead.
'I'm begging you, let me come with you.'
'I can't, but you promise me you'll be happy.  Promise me that you will live to be old and that you will have a family, an amazing job and that you will be happy.'
'I can't ...' she sobbed. 'Not without you.'
'Yes, you can, Hermione, you'll be happy, and if one day you have children, you'll tell them about your best friend because of who you've had countless hours of detention' he smirked. 'Promise me.'

Hermione snorted, but ended up saying:

'I promise you.'

Harry kissed her one last time, winked at Ron who was still crying too, and turned around, facing his impending death.

'No !'
'Harry!  HARRY!'

Ron and Hermione's voices were strong.  Harry had only one urge, to call them, to tell them that everything was fine, yet he remained silent.

'He is dead !' cried Voldemort. 'Drop him Hagrid, at my feet, where he belongs!'

Harry felt himself deposited on the grass.

'You see ?' Voldemort said, Harry felt him move forward near where he was lying. 'Harry Potter is dead! You must understand now, you have been deceived. He was nothing, ever, just a boy who relied on others to sacrifice themselves for him!'
'He beat you!' Ron yelled.
'He was killed while trying to sneak out of the castle' Voldemort said, but there was a taste of lies in his voice. 'There will be more Houses at Hogwarts School. There will be no more rooms.  The emblem, glory and colors of my noble ancestor, Salazar Slytherin, will suffice. Right, Neville Longbottom?'

He aimed his wand at Neville, who stood up, then was forced to put the Sorting Hat on his head.

'Neville is going here and now to demonstrate to you what happens to anyone foolish enough to continue to oppose me' Voldemort said, causing the Sorting Hat to burst into flames.

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