"Help me with this document, it doesn't want to send!"

Naruto ran over, and figured out what the issue was, while also editing the document, making it more understandable for his boss. His coworker bowed in thanks, and then proceeded to work on her next task.

Not even ten minutes later, his boss came running down the hall, excitement clear in his eyes.

"Who wrote that wonderful document?" The coworker raised her hand with a poorly hidden look of smug satisfaction. "You have done it again! Your work has surpassed my expectations! How do you do it every time?"

"I do my best, sir!" She turned her gaze slightly in Naruto's direction, as if daring him to contradict her in any way.


UN1010: and thats what happened this time!

UI1992: that sounds absolutely awful!

UI1992: how can ur boss not even notice the truth?

UN1010: idk, its weird! It makes no sense whatsoever!

UN1010: i swear, 1 of these days, she's going to do something thats so obvious he'll have to know

UI1992: i only hope ur right, UN

UN1010: enough of my ranting for now tho, what's going on with u?

UI1992: u no, same old, same old

UN1010: i get it. Hope things turn out alright

UI1992: i gotta go, boss said i have to look over these docs before end of week

UN1010: i get it. Talk later

Itachi finally got off his computer and grabbed his newest script to review. He had been a voice actor (VA) for the last 5 years, and was getting rather tired of the work. He figured it would only take a few more works before he would quit. Then he might be able to join his father's company finally. Hopefully if he joined the company, he could figure out how to stop his brother's crazy shenanigans. He knew his brother had been dating a pretty blond man for a while, a couple years back, but somehow the relationship ended without anyone really knowing the true reason why. Only that, suddenly his brother had brought home some rich bitch pink haired bimbo wannabe, who's voice reminded him of nails on a chalkboard (not that he ever actually told his brother that).

Then of course, he had begun going behind the director's back and posting fan fiction stories about his own works online, and began talking to the woman that he had just finished chatting with, UN1010. He was really only assuming it was a woman, but based on the way she typed, and the way her stories sounded, he wasn't really sure any guy he knew would be capable of any delicate narratives.

Over time, he had even grown to like the lady behind the username, and he knew a lot about her. She enjoyed eating ramen, though she would always eat healthier options when available, and for some reason, no matter what company she worked at, she was always taken advantage of by her coworkers. There was even an incident, she told him, involving her boss attempting to sexually assault her. If he had known where she worked, he would've been there with his full security team within moments, arresting her boss and saving her, like her knight in shining armor.

Of course, he never told UN about his feelings toward her, because he knew that she'd most likely find him weird, especially when he developed these feelings simply through the computer screen.

His phone rang, startling him from his musings.

"Hello?" Itachi answered, without checking the caller ID.

"Itachi-nii, did you see what you director posted on social today?" Sasuke's voice called out through the speaker.

"No, I haven't been on Flitter all day. Why? What did that idiot do this time?"

"I'm not going to tell you, you'll have to see it for yourself, alright? Just don't say I didn't warn you."

With that, Sasuke hung up the phone and Itachi turned his Flitter app on and checked his notifications, only to discover the post his boss created.



Contest time! Fans of The Betrayal Knows My Name, its time for you to put your art skills to the test, and win a date with our gorgeous Itachi Uchiha! Just submit to this post, and at the end of the week, the winner will be chosen and have their date at the fabulous restaurant of their choice! All are welcome, so bring your best artwork forward!


Itachi couldn't believe what his director had done. Why would the guy go and put him under the proverbial bus like that? Quickly, he checked all the comments, and he couldn't help but notice how well some of the art was, though one seemed to draw his attention more than the rest.



This is my first fan art submission, I hope its good enough...

This is my first fan art submission, I hope its good enough

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Itachi quickly called his boss, knowing exactly who he wanted to win, but not quite realizing where his choice was going to lead him.

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