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Naruto's eyes closed when he felt Itachi's hands gliding across his skin once again. He loved the feel of the larger hands as they touched him. He opened his eyes to be met with Itachi kneeling over him, legs on either side of the blond's waist.

"Naruto, you are absolutely breathtaking," Itachi whispered as his hands slid higher along the blond's tan skin. He forced Naruto's shirt to rise further, revealing more for him to drink in.

Once the shirt was up high enough, he leaned back on his heels, putting pressure against Naruto's tight pants. It caused the blond to groan. Itachi paid it no mind as he looked down at the blond's beautiful body, and slid his hands up all over again, making Naruto's eyes close in content.

They burst open and widened when Itachi began flicking and pinching his nipples. He twisted one, and Naruto tilted his head back, letting out a slight moan. The raven smirked and leaned forward, taking a bud into his mouth. Naruto let out a gasp at the warm, wet sensation of Itachi's mouth on his nipple, before moaning as the man sucked and nibbled on it, running his tongue over it. The blond's hands flew into Itachi's hair and tangled themselves in the long strands, enjoying the sensation. With a soft pop Itachi released the pert bud, only to switch and take the other into his mouth, twisting and pinching the first between his fingers. The dual sensations were causing Naruto to moan as it continued.

Finally, Itachi released the second bud and watched with satisfaction as Naruto panted, eyes misty with pleasure.

With Naruto watching him, Itachi slowly climbed off the bed, and stood next to it for a few moments, simply enjoying the view. Then he slowly took off his own shirt, seeing the blond lick his lips at the sight, sitting up to get a better view. He undid his pants, lowering the zipper, tooth by tooth. Naruto's breaths were coming out quick and ragged as he watched the show with anticipation, only to let out a disappointed groan when Itachi turned around.

"Don't sound so disappointed," Itachi teased. He hooked his fingers around the waist of his pants and boxers, pulling them down slowly and giving Naruto the perfect view of his ass as he bent over to remove them.

What the man wasn't expecting was to feel a sharp slap on his ass causing him to yelp. He glanced over his shoulder at Naruto, only to see the blond smirking.

"Don't show it off if you don't want it slapped," he said cheekily.

"That does it," Itachi replied, his own smirk forming. He finished removing his clothes, and turned fully to face the blond. Since Naruto was now sitting up, Itachi took the opportunity to remove his shirt, climbing onto the bed and trailing kisses down his neck and chest once it was off. He kissed and nibbled a trail back up to Naruto's face and kissed the sunshine passionately, leaning forward to make him lay back down.

During the kiss, Itachi made quick work of the button and zipper of the other's pants, attempting to pull them down one handed as he supported himself with the other. Still lip-locked, Naruto aided him by pulling them off his waist before wrapping his arms around Itachi's neck. The raven broke the kiss finally, leaving them both panting for breath, and used that time to fully remove Naruto's pants. Along with them went his boxers. The raven threw both articles over his shoulder, allowing them to join everything else on the floor. Once they were discarded, he took a look at the man before him, in all his naked glory.

"Beautiful," he whispered, and Naruto's cheeks burned redder.

Itachi, now fully worked up seeing his lover completely naked before him, dove for the blond's neck, leaving kisses and bites as he traveled lower, down his chest, down his stomach, dipping his tongue in Naruto's belly button, and earning an odd squeak-moan, before continuing on down toward his prize. Once there, he kissed the base, and Naruto gasped. He kissed all the way up from base to tip and then licked it, making Naruto moan at the sensation. Wrapping his hand around the base of the shaft, Itachi licked the tip a few more times, eliciting more moans, before taking the head into his mouth slowly. Naruto gasped at the new pleasure sending shockwaves through his entire body.

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