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Jisung woke up at evening, Minho still in his arms where he belonged to. He stared at his mate for what felt hours, when suddenly Minho woke up yawning.

-Good morning love.

-Good morning Ji.

-How are you feeling? Still tired?

-A bit but I'm feeling better. And you?

-I gained my strength back when I saw you in my arms when I woke up.

Minho's cheeks turned red. Jisung smirked seeing his mate reaction to his words.

-Are you hungry? I think we are alone. Wanna something?

-I want pancakes, with cereals and ice cream.

-Wow, are you this hungry? Does my baby want sweet things? And he will have it.

-Thank you love. But first of all pick me up. I'll help you.

-Are you not feeling ok?

-What no. I'm just lazy, and considering my mate is acting all protective with me and since I'm carrying his baby, well it's your duty to satisfy me.

-I thought I already satisfied you yesterday when I made love wit...

Minho shouted his mate with his hand, feeling the older smirking under his hand.

-The baby can listen you...

-Well so our little bunny heard everything last night.

After saying it Jisung ran, followed by a pillow thrown by Minho.



They make up right after, as they were making pancakes not only for them but for the others as well.


-Yes love?

-Did you perhaps called Eric?

-No, why? Do you need him?

-Well you know, I wanted to find Yunji, I'm worried for him. He betrayed Ligyu to help me, and now he may be in danger.

-And since he is the one who took care of you, you want to find him.

-Yes... Can you ask Eric to give a try?

-Yes of course, I also have to thank him. Without him you would still be at that monster's mercy. I'll ask him later.

-Thank you. I really wonder why he works for him. I tried to ask him, but he changed subject.

-Maybe he is scared. Or maybe Ligyu has someone he loves.

-I really hope no. Yunji is a great person.

-Anyway love, tomorrow I'll bring you to the pack clinic to have you and the baby check.

-But I was checked at the hospital.

-I know love, I know. It's just for my mental health. I need to know you two are fine. He punched your belly twice, Minho. I need to be sure. Can you do it for me?

Minho worried at his words going to his mate. He hugged him, letting the older to pick him up, while he massaged Jisung's back. He then turned to face him.

-Of course Jisung. It's ok. If it will help you to calm down of course I will.

-Thank you babe. It's just that when he said you were at the hospital, I felt like I really could have lost you and the baby. And I felt useless as I wasn't able to protect you nor find you in time. And when I saw you unconscious and pale, with the nurse that was saying you almost had miscarriage... I could have lost you and our baby. So thank you for understanding me, love.

-Jisungie, you are not useless. And you found me when I had loosen my hope and I needed you the most. I used you as my strength to go on. And I'm glad, Jisung, you are my mate and the father of my child. Ok?

-And I'm glad you are mine.

-Shall we finish the pancakes?

-Really? I was trying to turn you on.

-Yes I got it love, and you were succeeding, but I want my pancakes. Please??

-Okok. You decorate them and I'll cook.

-Sounds perfect.


When everyone came home Jisung was holding a sleeping Minho on the couch while he was reading some files. Chan went near to him.

-Jisung, did you found anything?

Jisung covered Minho's ears not wanting to wake him up.

-Just the same things. And you? Did you find something new?


From the kitchen Lia called his son.

-Son, Chanhee gave birth. You should call Younghoon to congratulate him.

-It's a boy or a girl?

-A boy, Theo.

-Aww cute. I'll call him later, or maybe I'll go to their place. I want to see Keeho as well. Maybe being with another omega like Chanhee and Jacob will affect him in a good way.

-Yes maybe you are right. Now wake him up. It's time to eat. Chan can you go call the others as well.

-Of course Luna.

-Min... Wake love. It's time to eat.

-I want to be next to you... Don't go...

-Min I'm not going anywhere. Wake up.

Minho opened his eyes, he was shaking in fear and he hugged Jisung tightly.

-Hey... Calm down... Did you had a nightmare?

The younger nodded snuggling in his chest.

-It's ok. Let me carry you.

Jisung sat Minho next to him, everyone was eating peacefully when suddenly the younger ran towards the nearest bathroom throwing up the food. Jisung ran after him, massaging his back to comfort him. After he finished, the Alfa grabbed a wet towel dabbing it on his face.


-Minho don't apologize. It's fine.

Lia went to the bathroom to check on the omega.

-Minho, you ok?

-I'm so sorry Lia... I didn't want to...

-Minho, honey, it's just sickness. I had morning sickness for 9 mouths when I was carrying Jisung. And plus you are still weak, your body needs to recover. I'll make a hot chamomile.

-I don't want to bother you...

-Fine. Jisung go make the chamomile, and I'll help Minho. Come on. Go son.

-Don't be rude. I'm going...

-I'm not an Omega, Minho, but I know how is it to carry a true blood Alfa's child. You may feel weak sometimes, or you may want to go running, it's fine. Don't overdo yourself.

-But today I didn't do anything.

-Maybe your body isn't ready neither to do nothing. The pregnancy is difficult. I know too well it. Now let's go, or Jisung is going to burn down the house. Here, let me help you.

-Lia... Thank you... For treating me like your son.

-Minho, as long as you stepped inside my house, you became my son. When I saw how Jisung looked at you I felt that you were part of our family.

-Thank you.

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