First day of school

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Simonius got up from bed, his alarm was blaring in his tiny chipmunk ears. He sits up and looks at his alarm, "ITS ALREADY 7:55????" he FLEW out of bed. "I NEED TO BE READY IN FIVE MINUTES!!!!!!" He threw on his my chemical romance shirt and painted his nails black in 2 minutes somehow. He ran downstairs glaring at the empty kitchen, wishing his mom payed attention to him. 

Simonius arrived at school. "Wow everyone looks so different..." he thought walking down the packed halls. Once he arrived at his locker a boy in a basketball jersey approached him. "Well, well, well, look what we have here." the boy said as his friends giggled behind him. "I don't have the patience for this today Mark." Simonius said as he rushed to find his books from his locker. "I'm surprised you still go to this're so weird I thought you would have left by now." Mark said in a giggly tone. Simonius walked away covering his black wavy hair over his face to not be seen by anyone. "I wish someone understood me..." he thought to himself. 

Once Simonius got to class he noticed that there were lots of new students he didn't know, he was hopeful that someone...anyone...would notice him and ask to be friends. Simonius never had any friends, he was always deemed "different" and a "loner" 

After class Simonius went outside to wait since he had a small break before class started. He was writing in his black diary until someone interrupted him. "H-h-hey..." the small boy said. Simonius was spooked by the sudden entrance of the boy so he yelped. "Oh, I'm so sorry to have scared you!" the small boy said. "Its...ok...i guess." Simonius said, quickly closing his notebook, not to reveal his secrets. "M-my name is Oliver.." the boy said. "I'm Simonius." Simonius said backing away from the Oliver. "I w-was wondering if you wanted to sit with me and my boyfriend at lunch...we saw how the boys were bullying you earlier and we want to help." Oliver said with puppy dog eyes. Simonius immediately knew that Oliver was a Theodore. I mean just listen to him. Simonius was shocked that anyone wanted to help him though so he responded with a quick yes and ran away. 

Once the lunch bell rang Simonius was on watch. He didn't know if he could trust that boy or his boyfriend. He thought it might have been Mark and his friends playing tricks on him to get him vulnerable to bully and beat up. Simonius was not going to fall for their tricks. He had a black belt in karate so he was ready. He sat down and started nibbling at his food. All the sudden a 6'7 man appeared and sat down hear him. "HIYYYYYAAAAA!!!" Simonius screamed as he punched the poor boy in the face. "AYO WHAT THE FUCK??!!" the boy said almost falling off his chair. Soon after Oliver from earlier ran over to the boy to see if he was ok. Simonius knew he messed up. "OMG SIMONIUS WHAT THE HECK!" Oliver screamed. "Sorry I thought he was one of Marks friends!" Simonius said embarassed by what he did. "Mark?! Hell no! I would never be that assholes friend. He's literally homophobic." the tall boy said. "Wait...this is your boyfriend...isn't it.." Simoius said feeling dumb. "Yeah, he hates Mark! Thats why we are trying to help you." Oliver said sitting down with his lunch. "Anyways my name is James." The tall  boy said taking a bite of his food. "I'm Simonius." 

After their long conversation at lunch Simious continued with his BORING day. He started to think he could trust Oliver and James. He even got their phone numbers so they could talk more. He was finally making friends. 

Simonius arrived home from school and started jamming out to music. He decided to text his new friends. He found out that James was an Alvin 2 and also the captain of the basket ball team so he got to order Mark around when they played in games. He was going to chat more until he heard his mom come home from work. He decided to go say hi to her to let her know about his new friends. When Simonius got downstairs his mom was down there talking with some guy. "Thats weird..." Simonius thought while secretly staring at them. His mom then poured champagne for the two of them and they started FLIRTING!!!! Simonius was LIVID. His dad was working his ass off across the country for work and his mom decided to cheat on him the second he leaves!?? Simonius went back to his room and cried himself to sleep, dreading waking up the next day. 

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