chapter two

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my thoughts were destroying me.
i tried not to think
but the silence was a killer too.

luke's pov

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luke's pov

I just woke up from a nap. A nap that was suppose to last one hour. It's currently 11:30am. I slept 16 hours. 

And I'm still tired.

What the fuck is happening to me. 

I have no motivation to do anything. At all.

It's always the same thing.

I wake up, and think 'oh another pretty day is starting!' 

The fuck no I don't have these thoughts.

The thing is that, I don't sleep.

A couple hours and then I wake up.

Because of those stupid nightmares.

And I'm tired. So, so tired.

It's the first time in a while that I sleep more than five hours in a row, without waking up. 

I just wish it could end.

If everything could just stop.

Why did I wake up from that nap.

I shouldn't have.

I don't deserve it.

I should be dead.


My breath comes out jerky.

I hit the punching bag with all my strenght. Box is my only distraction in this stupid world we live in.

I feel a hand on my shoulder. I quickly turn around, all my senses still on alert.

"Hey, chill Luke! You wouldn't want to break your hand." Romeo tells me. He owns the box club. 

I'll always be graceful towards him. He's the one who introduced me to this sport and he used to let me come here without paying, when I didn't have the money. I, of course, pay now but he will always stay a good friend because of that.

He has warm brown eyes that are always friendly, no matter the situation. His dark brown hair is cut short. Rom is in his late 30s but he doesn't even look 30.

I nod my hand at his comment. "I'm careful." I'm not.

He smiles at me. "I'll trust you." You shouldn't.

He squeezes my shoulder gently, before letting it go and turning around.

Leaving me with my thoughts.


I unlock my door and shut the door behind me, trowing my keys on the kitchen table. It's dark in here.

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