chapter twenty-four

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i was overwhelmed and frankly scared as hell,
because i really fell for you

i was overwhelmed and frankly scared as hell,because i really fell for you

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luke's pov

"Hey Lukey!" I roll my eyes at the annoying nickname. "Long time no see, dude!"

"Abner, hey." We do a quick hand shake.

"Can I walk with you? Where you going?" I nod my head at the lightskin young man.

"Back home."

Abner was part of my old friendgroup, the one I lost contact with after my parent's death. We weren't so close, just had the same friends, but he's a cool compagny.

The guy talks a lot, so no worries on my side. I can be silence without him having to *beg* me to speak.

Not that I would anyway.

"... yeah so, we're about to get married, man. This summer!" I notice he's been talking when my shoulder gets bump.

"Hey, congrats."

He pats my back with a huge smile on his face.

I move out of his grasp and give him a little nod.

"And you?"

I furrow my eyebrows. "Me?"

"I got Elissa and you got?"


I don't answer him, not being a fan of displaying my private life, even tho my private life is beautiful.

See what I imply or don't, it's not on me at this point.

"I know there's someone, I see it in your eyes." His dark eyes shine with excitation.

Excitation to what? To talk to me? Now, that's a fucking waste of time.

"It's exactly how I looked at Elissa when we first got together. It's new, yeah?"

"Yeah." I swear, he almost started running all around. This man has way too much energy for me.

"How new?" Only one day.

The 15th of July.

"Really new." He can tell I don't want to talk, and I wish I was able to tell him it wasn't him, I just wanna go fucking sleep and be alone.

"How is she?" his voice is soft now, as if he understood I want him to shut up. But it's not just him, it's not personnal.

I fucked things up again.

Another time.

"She's... awesome really. I can't even find words to describe her." My eyes get lost in the crowd.

"I bet she is. I can't see you being with someone if they're not amazing." I nod without saying anything and stop walking in front of my building.

"Final destination, huh?" He stands with me.

"I'd really like to meet her sometimes. What's her name?" His head looks up to me. He's small, I mean not that much but next to me, he does look smaller than usual.



I close the lid of my bottle once it's fill with water. Placing it in my bag with clothes for the night, I take my phone out of my back pocket to text Anastasia.

I'm supposed to go to her house tonight. We've been hanging at mine the last few days and she says her stupid fuck of a cat misses me.

I highly doubt he does but even if he did, she wouldn't have a clue.

Fucking anything for her tho.

me: hey angel. i'd be ready to go to your's right now, did you need anything first?

I close the lights behind me and stand at the kitchen counter, waiting for her answer.

angel: it won't work tonight, i have things to do.

What? She never cancels plans.

She's usually the one who plans them, actually.

me: did something came up? are you free tomorrow?

I'd get if she doesn't wanna see me.

I wouldn't want to be stuck with myself either.

The screen of my phone opens and I immediately picks it up.

angel: yeah. i have things planned tomorrow.

me: text me when you're free, okay? have a good night baby.

She's just busy.

It's not because she doesn't want to be with you.

It's not because of that.

She wants to be with me. Yes, she does.

You're not useless.

You're not use...

Yes you are.

I can't even keep around the girl I like for more than a day.

I'm useless.

angel: yeah i guess.

She's weird today. Why's she talking to me like that? She usually gives more details.

Or sounds... happier.

I didn't even ask how she was.

me: are you feeling fine? you don't seem alright. 

She'll probably think I don't care about her.

But I do. So fucking much.

angel: jeez leave me alone.

Did I do something wrong?

I'm new to this, I don't know... what I'm supposed to do.

You're supposed to leave her alone. She hates you anyway.

I fall back onto the couch and take my head into my hands.

I hate myself. I hate myself.


784 words

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