The Hotel Guest Part 1

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In a small town called Pearl in Mississippi you could see dark smoke filling the skies. Wake up honey, wake up screamed Mike. Lisa arouses to smoke alarms ringing her ears off as her husband screamed. There were flames everywhere. Mike what are we going to do, asked Lisa. We're going to make it out of this baby, replied her husband. In Mikes mind he knew he was afraid. He could see the flames coming towards their room as he tried to open the windows to get out. Finally, the windows had open as he looked down from the second floor of their home. Suddenly the flames burst through the bedroom door. Mike grabbed his wife by the arms and helped her out of the window. You could hear the fire truck coming from a distance. We're going to make it Mike, said Lisa. He told his wife be careful as he helped her out of the window. Just as he was about to go out the window there was an explosion that knocked Lisa off the roof and engulfed him into the flames. Lisa hit the ground very hard. The fire truck and the ambulance had finally made it. The firefighters started putting the fire out in the house and the paramedics rushed to Lisa's side. She wasn't breathing. They started CPR on her immediately. There still wasn't a pulse. All of a sudden, she came to. She started screaming my husband is still in there. Someone please help him, please. There was so much fire that the firefighters couldn't get inside until the fire was put out. No one knew what to tell her at all as they looked puzzled. Suddenly Lisa passed out. The ambulance rushed her to the hospital. The firefighters finally had put out the fire. Two of the firefighters entered into the house. The stairway was still standing as they slowly made their way up to the second floor of the home. They pushed what was left of the door open to the first bedroom what was no other than a horrible sight to even glance at. There was her husband Mike burned until he was unrecognizable. One of the firefighters called it in. We have one dead body in the house fire as he breathes in heavily. He could hardly contain himself and ran downstairs and started vomiting. The transport was on its way to get the body after it was decided that this was indeed electrical. Lisa had made it to the hospital and was still passed out. When she came to the next day she started yelling, where is my husband. Mike are you there, she screamed aloud. The nurse came into the room with the county policeman. Where's Mike she asked. Is he going to be, okay? The nurse came to her bedside and held her hand. It's going to be okay said the nurse. The policeman looked her in the eye's and said, we're are most definitely sorry to tell you this but Mike's gone. He died of sixth degree burns to the entire body. We're truly sorry mam. Lisa stared at the policeman with the eyes of someone whom had lost all hope. She broke down crying. The nurse tried to console her through her lost, but couldn't. Lisa just didn't think she could go on. Besides her husband dying she had broken one of her legs with just bruises in other places. She was blessed to be alive. Doctor Jeffery finally entered in the room. The policeman shook the doctors' hand and left out. Lisa McCarthy you are lucky to be alive. For you to fall from the second story of your home and only have a broken leg is nothing short of a miracle, said the doctor. Do you have any family we need to call here for you? No, I don't, said Lisa. I know it sounds crazy, but Mike and I was the only child of our mother and Father and we didn't have children. We thought much on just furthering our careers so we didn't want children. What about cousins or Aunts and Uncles asked the doctor. Yes, I do have those but I'll give them a call after I suppress my feelings about this entire situation. Doctor Jeffery I lost my husband. I don't think talking to family will help at this moment. I understand said the doctor. Just buzz us if you need anything. Lisa looked at the doctor and nurse and said Okay calmly as the tears ran down her cheeks. They left out of the room. Lisa was all alone. Lord what do I do now, she asked. What do I do Lord? Why am I still here? Why did this happen to me? Answer me please God. She waited on God to speak to her but no answer. She buzzed the nurse to bring her in something for pain. The nurse knocked on the room door and Lisa told her to enter. It's going to be okay, said the nurse. You're strong and you will get through this. Lisa looked at her and said thank you. I will get through this. The nurse gave her the pain medication through her Iv and left out the room. Lisa got a call on the room phone.

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