1 - The Tournament

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Before we start this, let me answer a question, I've been asked in stories I've deleted, or messaged about.

"Why do you use other quirks, that aren't One for All?"

There's a very good reason. Yes One for All is a cool quirk, and yes it is canon, but this is fanfiction. These are our chances to tweak the story, however we want to. And why I use different, is because I just like using different things. One for All does get boring. Hell even some of the ships get boring. Hence why you see Fem Shinso.

Honestly for me, writing is never supposed to be linear. It's meant to be a never ending tree. Branches spreading in all directions, never showing you where they will end. So if I do some stuff that isn't the norm, thats why. It's why Izuku has a quirk in this, or why I took One for All in Hero. It makes things fun, and I'd like to think, that people have enjoyed my work.

Also, one last thing. Izuku's personality, is gonna resemble more of what his prototype was going to be.

It's funny I'm basing Izuku's personality on his prototyp. Also, SHINSO WAS ORIGINALLY SUPPOSED TO BE FEMALE! HOW'S THAT FOR A PLOT TWIST. Now Izuku won't be exactly like his prototype, but it will be different than the one we see now.

But anyway, I'm taking this story in a far different direction. Kinda like HIMOW and AIR.

It definitely isn't easy at first, to branch off the path. Mainly because, I just didn't want to disappoint anyone. But now, I'm just doin my own thing. Bringing everyone along for the ride. So with that being said.

Enjoy everyone.

P.S: HIMOW Deku, while strong, isn't gonna be OP. He will still have his limits, as well as the others. This is the one story, I will truly have, an OP Izuku.

And also, some majorly uncomfortable topics related to depression, will be present in this story. I write these from experience. Not speculation. So if you do not like that, I will warn you so you can skip. Or you may choose to not read. I am not you, and will never pretend to be.

Thank you for reading, if you chose to stay. I wish you the best in life and a very prosperous future.


Izuku felt awful.

The first round of the final event of the Sports Festival, the fighting tournament, was kicked off by him. He had actually became the headline of this round, due to his unnatural abilities.

Many thought Shoto Todoroki, the duel ability quirk user, to be the strongest in the school. Some had believed Katsuki Bakugo, resident walking nuke and destroyer of hairdos, to be on top. Hell, Momo Yaoyorozou, Fumikage Tokoyami, and even a few from Class 1-B, were expected to win the whole thing.

Then, came Izuku.

His quirk was unknown to the public. Nothing was really posted about him, other than his birthday, and seat placement in his class. That was it. Nothing spectacular to jump out at you. No cool description of his awesome quirk abilities. Not even a rating on his power was given. You may think, "Principal Nezu did this on purpose." Or, "people will think he's quirkless." And you'd be.....ninty percent right. The true answer, left Nothing to be desired. To quote the number one hero, All Might himself, "Young Midoriya's quirk, is unlike anything we've ever witnessed. If the public were to see his quirk, in its fullest volitality, many would begin to fear him."

With that in mind, he left nothing on the table, when he performed. Blowing past the Obstacle Course, demolishing the cavalry battle, and then.....he didn't like thinking about it. Sadly the first round, pinned him against a girl from the General Studies course. Said female had confronted 1-A, along with many others from other classes, to give them a threat. One stating, that the other students were shooting for the hero course. One small mistake, and someone would be there to take their place.

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