6 - A Small Talk

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"If we really wanted to, we could totally out do the USJ. Don't ya think?"

"Yeah seriously. There's no way in hell that Nomu or whatever, was the best we had."

"If you two would stop talking now and let me elaborate, you may get an answer. Or should I provide disciplinary measures." The green haired woman, threatened to her two subordinates. Both shook in their seats and bowed their heads on the desk.

"N-No L-Lady Inko!"

"W-We are s-sorry!"

"Good dogs. *ahem* As for your gripe about our little Nomu project, of course the USJ pet was not our best option. However it came as close to perfect, during our current state of progress. As our capability reached its peak. With the momentum we gained from that experience, an epiphany had been made. I can guarantee, that is not out last endeavor against UA, or their brats." The two who were going back and forth, gave Inko a worried look. While a third member, just sat in silence at the other end of the table.

"Wait, isn't your son currently attending UA?" A woman with wine red hair and silver eyes asked.

"Yes. He is so weak as to allow himself to mitigation by that fledgling institution. He takes after his father, which means I must set my standards with my son. He chooses the path to allow himself to flourish in his own eyes, so be it. I will stamp my foot down and show him, that Mother knows best. As I do with the three of you. We do not accept weakness here, and I expect the utmost effort for our future plans for expansion. That includes, the take down of UA. Understand?" The red head, and the other navy haired individual with green eyes, both saluted their sexy overlord.

"Yes boss!"

"Tomura, you haven't said a word. I am tired of having to request over and over, that you please participate when you attend these meetings. Your arrogance will get you nowhere in our line of work. I'd best get used to having to work with others."

"....yes mistress."

The sky blue haired male said, fearing of the repercussions of not obliging to his master's demands. Ever since the fall of the formerly known, All for One, Tomura chose to remain silent. Not so much out of a sense of fear, but more of a small sense of rebellion. I mean, All for One was the guy who took him in. Yet if this woman, who only possessed a low-level telekinetic quirk, could take down the biggest, baddest, villain around, had more than earned that right to be feared. Correct? Not necessarily. Tomura did not plant himself in that realm. Having said that, it would be wrong to assume that Tomura was completely stoned walled to Inko. Terror did still encompass him.

"Very well. Turning our attention back to our latest undertakings, we do have much in store. The Nomu that attacked Osaka, has been successfully recovered. To our fortune it managed to evade the police and heroes, to return back to me. The imperfections must be ironed out, though it seems we will be able to salvage the first venture." Inko explained, while thebothers listened inventively. Tomura decided to take his feet of the table and replaced them with his elbows.

"Lady Inko, if you mind. I have a question." There was genuine surprise to Inko's face. She hadn't expected to hear the younger Shigaraki's voice today, other than him answer her request.

"Go ahead."

"Why is this specific Nomu, so important to us? Shouldn't the one we used against All Might be a priority?" His two comrades pondered his question too. It did make a lot of sense, in the grand scheme of things. It was built, and surely did, to take on All Might. Though it got bested, it didn't mean there wasn't room for improvement.

"He has a point. We weren't there for the USJ, but did hear that it went toe to toe with All Might. That should be enough grounds to go after it. Right?"

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