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and Abdullah were almost inseparable, and it was unsettling to say the least. The two men had been talking for almost two weeks now, yet their relationship was moving at a bizarre rate. When at work they'd be chatting up a storm if not completing their tasks, and outside of work they'd regularly text or meet up if Abdullah had the time to. Even the demon had been surprised at their progress. Everything came so easily, and though he was diving headfirst into it, Solace didn't care. He was just glad to be making a friend, which was a rare occurrence for him. Or maybe, he was glad because it was Abdullah.

But it definitely wasn't the latter, as Solace had many times described the businessman as "that one guy you just somehow click with." He definitely had not 'casually' compared their hand sizes during a normal conversation. Neither did he start working even harder so he'd earn more praises from the man. And he definitely did not smile like an idiot as he reread their texts every night.

"Honey, if you wanna bone him just say that," Melchior had once teased, "It's okay, we all do."

Solace had not answered the question, as it had sent him spiraling. It was then that he had acknowledged his ever-growing crush on his nerdy, perfectionist boss. So, to confirm it, he locked himself in his room and rewatched him and Abdullah's favorite romance anime three times to see if he had any mannerisms of a 'love struck imbecile,' and unfortunately, he did. All of them. Crap.

And of course, The Voice didn't miss a beat to give its input, And just what the hell makes you think someone like him would want  someone like you?

And these were the series of events that lead to Solace hiding out in his office at the end of a work day as he waited for Abdullah to leave the premises first.

Solace peeked out the door and into the hallway one more time, listening for the man's voice. He heard his husky voice sounding through the corridor as he spoke with one of the staff. Solace loved it when he talked business.

He took a shaky breath as he tried to compose himself. Just a few more minutes. He'll be gone in a few more minutes, then Solace will be on his merry way home.

Moist. Solace's cheek was moist. And warm. Why?

"Jesus!" he yelled. Solace whipped his head around to find the demon's plump limps staring him in the face. He furiously jerked back. "Augh, Mel! What the fuck? I told you not to sneak up on me like that!"

"I missed you so much, sugar," he whined as he attacked the human with some quick kisses.

Solace didn't think he'd ever get used to that - the constant affection. Mel had always been a rather touchy person, but he'd been even more so since their last heart-to-heart. It was suffocating at times, but he loved it, the sparks, the warmth, the relief.

"It's been like two days, you big softie," Solace chuckled.

"Two days too long, if you ask me." Melchior connected their lips, and this time it was deep and sensual, and filled with pure want. It made Solace weak in the knees every time, how the demon longed for him so intensely, even though they saw each other almost every day. His love was like a hole, sucking the human deeper and deeper in everyday. However, at the end was not a crushing fall but a pair of steady arms awaiting his arrival.

Mel gave his ass a tight squeeze, earning a low moan from the human. He gave Solace's tongue a quick suck, then fiercely bit down on his lower lip. Solace grabbed onto his hair and shoulder for support.

"More," the human pleaded, unable to resist his charm.

"Really, now?" he teased into his mouth, "Aren't we at work? What if... one of the staff came looking for you? Imagine just how shocked they'd be if they found their boss spread over a desk, underneath his supposed assistant. What then, hm?"

𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐰𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥 (𝐦𝐱𝐦𝐱𝐦)Where stories live. Discover now