Andre x myc x reader

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(This Story myc is Human :])
   I figured out myc and Andre started dating. I'm so jealous why can't it be me whose dating them. I'm not out completely they all know I'm pansexual but they dont know I'm poly :/. I know andre and myc are in an open relationship so I want to talk to them about it.

„Hey guys, whatcha doin?"

The both were creating something but I couldn't quiet make it out. Probably some sort of drug.

„Hey (y/n)! We're making a new drug to we're you can forget some of your memories! Like if you want to rewatch a movie without already knowing what happens!" Andre said.

  „Woah that's so cool! I wish I was smart enough to create things like that. Do you think I could help? Idk maybe just hand you things.."
Ugh this is so awkward why can I just tell them how I feel.
„Sure" myc said. „Just don't mess anything up"
   [2 hours later]
We finally finished. I think.
„Wow, (y/n), your know your things. You should help more often.
I finally decided to tell them how you feel
„look the real reason that I came here was to say...I know your in an open relationship and I I don't know if you know this but I'm also poly wanting to be in an open relationship." I sighed.
„Sure" they both said at the same time „you are really attractive anyways also you know a lot about drugs"
There damn right about that hah.

  „We're having a party at my house tonight. Meet us there. We're gonna have the best time of our lives!!"
So it's official. That night we pretty much just karaoked to a bunch of songs my favorite one was „perfume" by lovejoy. And we ended the night all on the couch on each other. We basically passed out. But it was amazing to be with them and now that we're dating I think it will be much more special than just hanging around with each other. If you know what I mean :).
(A/N sorry for not writing a story for a bit I promised I'll work on more it is just that since thanksgiving is here I had to hang around family for a bit)

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