Chapter Eight

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A/N: The picture is not mine and credit to the owner of the picture by fayrenpickpocket from Deviantart Anyway, thank you for the hearts and the 200 reads and I hope you enjoy this story! Warning, there will be bullying and a slight catcall scene, please read this chapter with caution.



Third Person POV:

Out of nowhere, his hands reach out to the girl on his side and hold it gently but not too gentle where she can pull her hands away easily. The white-haired female looks at his hands that were clutching her, glancing at him with curiosity, 'why he is holding my hand?' she asked herself before taking her backpack with her other hand. " Let's have a date, sweet spark. Shall we?" Knockout winked at (Y/N). Her eyes widened, not expecting that he asked her out "Wait, why are-" she was immediately dragged away by him.


 Many bots and cons caught a glimpse of two people running and passing through them, it wasn't exactly running but it was rather walking but with a faster pace with (Y/N) who almost stumbles a lot because of the person that dragged her. Many people were whispering, watching the interaction between Knockout and the Autobot, not expecting the red Decepticons and the (H/C) Autobot are interacting with each other.

Some were curious why the red Decepticon dragged the (H/C) Autobot as if she was a rag doll but not too hard to make her completely fall but some of them were jealous. Jealous that (Y/n) got the attention of the hottest Decepticons in the High School, especially the Femme Students or a male student that has a crush on him. After all, the red mech often got asked out by a bunch of people and he will go out with them even though in the end, he will dump them when he got bored with those people and crushes their hearts.

(Y/N) could feel the stares from the rest of the students and it makes her insecure, paranoid, and uneasy since some of the glares were from jealousy. Once they got to a secluded area where there were no students, the girl immediately pulls his hands but not enough to make him fall backwards and to make him notice her condition, "K-Knockout," she said with a weaker breath, those stares made her harder to breathe because of the anxiety.

Upon hearing her weaker sound, Knockout immediately stop his walking pace before turning around to see her almost crouching down with hands on her chest, trying to ease the beating heart although it was really hard for her. He was slightly panicked because he didn't realize that (Y/N) had an anxiety attack. With the extent gentleness, his arms circled her waist carefully before he directs her to the nearest bench.

"Hey, hey, It's okay. You're going to be okay," he whispered softly, trying not to make her anxiety increase more.

"T-they. I can hear it," She said with tears slowly spilling out.

"No, It's okay. Listen to me, follow my instruction. Breath in.......breath out......breath in.....breath out," he instructed her.

"O-okay..." (Y/N) weakly mumbled.

The Autobot shuts her eyes to take a breather, she starts breathing in and out to steady her racing heart without noticing the male in front of her pulling something out from his jacket pocket, it was a bottle of water but a smaller and eco-friendly bottle. Opening both of her eyes, she looks at the red-haired male who hands the bottle to her hands so she could drink.

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