Ch-2 Silence

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A door opened and a man dressed in rich patroller clothes came out, yelling.

"What's this woman and child doing in the middleof the road?! His royal majesty prince is passing by, and you dare to interruptby placing your filthy selves in the middle of the road!?" 

Hushed silence fell as everyone just watched.

 "Yes, we do DARE to place ourselves in the middle of this road to save an innocent child almost about to be run over by some careless spoiled prince driving recklessly!" Uthman yelled, breaking the silence.                                                           

Just then the driver seat door opened and a richly dressed handsome guy came out. He looked angry as his eyes took everything in. "Don't you fear Allah? You were almost about to run over an innocent child!" I yelled in anger. These rich royals thought they could do whatever they wanted without fearing Allah.

 He gritted his teeth and shook his head and with a glare at me, he ordered the patrollers, "Arrest him."

 What?! I could not let this happen. "Stop! Let my brother go! He did nothing wrong!" I shouted.

 "Run away with the child and give him to his mother. Don't worry about me. The mother will get arrested to if you don't run now." Uthman whispered to me, as the patroller came and started taking him away. Uthman looked calm as they took him away. My eyes filled with tears. He turned around and gave me a smile and mouthed "RUN" before the patrollers harshly pulled him in a different car.

 With my heart beating rapidly, I harshly wiped my tears and spotted the mother and ran to her. I gave the child in her hands and whispered, "Come with me to a safe place, if you want to escape." She nodded, and I grabbed her hands and started running as a shout was heard, "They got away! Where are they?"

"There they are! They are going slowly! We can catch them soon!"

They woman's eyes filled with tears as she whispered, "I don't think I can go any further. Take my son and run."

"No! I'm not leaving you here. Come with me. Our house is right here." I urged her, as we ran. Finally, our house came in sight as I rapidly ran to the door and banged on it hard. Mom opened the door as I pushed the woman inside. "Assalamualikum Husna! Why did you bang so hard? And who are they?" Mom asked staring at them, confused.

I quickly closed the door. As I unpacked the groceries I had managed to save, I explained everything to mom with barely containing my tears. "Thank you so much for saving me and my son. My name is Hannah. This is my son, Badr." The woman thanked us. "I am Juwayriyah, and this is my daughter, Husna." Mom explained. "JazakAllah so much for saving us. Your daughter and son are very brave, Masha Allah." Hannah told mom. "I think you should stay here for a few hours, then we will drop you off at your house."

 Mom told her with a smile, but I could see that she was worried about Uthman.

While mom and dad dropped Hannah off, I just kept praying and crying to Allah (Swt) in sujood. He can solve every single problem.

After mom and dad dropped Hannah off, when they came home, I could see they were almost about to cry but they held themselves. I could hear them whisper to each other.

"Husna, did you hear where they kept Uthman?" Mom asked. "No, but I can go now to the offices and find out." I offered. "No, you are not going now. It's night and its dangerous for a girl to go by herself. We can go in the morning." Dad said.

How was Uthman now? Was he hungry or thirsty? It was all my fault. How could I desert him there? "I'm so sorry I let Uthman get arrested. How could I do that? He protected me so many times but couldn't even protect him once." I cried into mom's lap. "Don't cry Husna, everything happens for a reason. Don't blame yourself for this. In sha Allah we will get him back. Allah is watching us. We must keep making dua now. That's what we have to keep doing." She said as a crystal tear fell from her eyes.

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