Ch-1 Allah is watching us

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"You can have a whole mountain of ice cream at this party that is celebrating Alinoria's freedom." Mom told us all, as we got ready to go to my friend Sarah's house for the party.

Alinoria is free? When? Did I miss it? I wondered. Our country was living side by side peacefully with Linaria, until their king died from a successful assassination attempt, and they invaded our country at our vulnerable moment, when our king passed away.

After they invaded our country, the rest of the royalty ran away to other countries, and we have been living like this ever since. Mom and Dad used to work as surgeons in a local hospital, but the Linarian royalties closed many hospitals along with this one, leaving us with no earnings, except some cash saved in the bank. Alhamdulilah, now everything will go back to normal quickly, In Sha Allah!

"So, which flavor of ice cream do you want?" Mom asked us.

"Vanilla." Uthman, my elder brother said.

"Strawberry." Dhat replied.

"Chocolate." My 7-year-old brother, Nuh said.

Hmm, what would I have? There were hundreds of flavors in front of me. Maybe I'll have vanilla first, then pistachio next....

"WAKE UP!" a loud voice jerked me up from my peaceful dream.

"Dhat! Why did you wake me up like that? I just feel like an elephant just yelled in my ears!" I asked my 14-year-old sister. "Humph, I do NOT sound like that at all!" She snorted, twirling a strand of her brown hair.

Dhat was a beautiful girl, Ma Sha Allah. She had hazel eyes and soft curly brown hair.

"Husna, are you awake yet? I need you to wake up! Fajr is almost over!" Mom yelled from downstairs.

"Yup! Fajr is almost over?!? Why didn't you wake me up earlier???" I always make sure I pray on time because Allah (swt) loves those who pray on time.

"We tried, but you were sleeping like a dead sloth!" Dhat retorted. I just sighed and ran to the washroom.

After praying mom and dad called us down to the majlis area to revise our Quran. Our whole family, except Dhat memorized the whole Quran. After Fajr, we always sit together in the majlis room to revise our Quran, so that we don't forget the Quran that we memorized.

After a few hours of reading Quran, mom went to prepare breakfast and saw that there were no more groceries left.

"Uthman, Husna, could you make a quick trip to the grocery store please?" Mom asked.

Mom and Dad could not go outside much because Dad had problem walking as he got shot on his leg a few years ago, while mom had been sick for the last few weeks. So, they asked me to go with Uthman because he doesn't know which foods to choose, like the time he brought rotten fish which we had to throw out.

"Sure, we will go. Just give me the list." I replied as I pulled my waist length golden brown hair in a low braided bun and flipped an abaya on.

"Be careful outside, you know patrollers are everywhere. Also, please make sure not to engage into an argument with them, Uthman." Mom told us, as she handed him some money. Uthman had almost got shot before because he couldn't hold himself back when the patrollers were bullying Dhat, and he started yelling at them and almost got shot until mom grabbed him and ran home.

"Here's the shopping list, and Husna, please wear your contacts." Mom told me. I nodded as I quickly wrapped a blue hijab on. My eyes are a rare eye color which is blue green, almost like   mom, as she has light blue eyes. So, when I wear a niqab, my eyes stand out even more. In Alinoria and Linaria, green eyes and blue eyes are rare. For this reason, mom and dad brought me some deep brown contact lenses, so that I don't attract any sort of bad attention.

After wearing the contacts and tying my niqab, we went outside. Uthman kept his gaze lowered to the ground as we exited the house. Because we didn't want to attract much attention and the store was close, we didn't take the AutomateCar(A futuristic car).

After buying the groceries, we exited the store and started walking home. As we were walking, a crowd started gathering suddenly. "What is happening?" I asked Uthman. "I don't know, probably some spoiled rotten Linarian Prince." He answered, gritting his teeth. Turns out he was right. Patrollers started moving people away from the streets so that a rich car could come and pass by.

My eyes suddenly caught on a child walking in the middle of the streets as patrollers told someone to move the child away from the middle of the road. I saw the mother trying to get the child, but she was blocked by the people in front of her. The slick black  AutomateCar was going at an intense speed, almost about to run over the child. Uthman saw this too and started yelling, "Stop the car! There is a child there!" But the patrollers paid no more attention. They just stared straight ahead, ignoring him. I had to do something, so I ran forward ignoring Uthman telling me to stop. As I reached the child, I covered him with myself waiting for the impact. Suddenly the car came to a loud screech, finally stopping before hitting me.

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