Chapter three- maybe i do like her?

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-Cams pov-
We're walking over I can't wait i literally can't wait. She help my hand oh my god. Maybe...i like her but like, like like her. No that's crazy? I mean why would it be though i like girls, she's a girl. We're holding hands again, they're getting lightly sweating but i don't care. We reached the small corner shop by the abandoned place and we bought 2 cans of monster and i also got some sweets but i could tell that Faye wasn't going to eat any so I put them in my bag and she smiled a little. We kept on walking and we found a spot at the top of the abandoned building, it was stunning, the stone was a cream colour and it had long bright vines going up it all with pink flowers blooming off, i picked a flower of one of the vines and suprised her with it on the way up to the top. In November the sun begins to set a bit earlier than usually so right now, at 4pm the sky was beautiful and the sun was going down making the sky all pink and pretty.

-Faye's pov-
The sky looks so pretty. She looks so pretty. I'm starting to think that I don't just want a friendship and i actually like her. I mean if she were to turn to me and kiss me....I wouldn't pull away. In fact i feel like i would enjoy it. But i don't know ugh. "Hey im really glad I met you, Cam" I said without thinking. Shit. She's not saying anything back maybe she doesn't even like me as a friend, but why would she be here with me then ahhh! She finally chucked and said "I'm really glad I met you Faye, you make me so happy" she touched my thigh to comfort me and we smiled at each other again. "I should get going my dad will kill me if I'm not home by five, shouldnt you too?" She asked, i nodded and smiled. We both got up and she hugged me for the first time but it was a proper hug a really tight one and it lasted for a few seconds longer than normal. "Bye Cami"
"Bye faith" we used each other's full names for the first time too which was really cute. That night i went home and didn't stop thinking about her the whole time, I'm falling.

(The next day)
-Third persons pov-
Faye arrived at school a little early to finnish of some homework and jumped when Cams cold hands touched her back, "heya!" Cam spealed, Faye replied with a smile and asked her why she was so happy on a Friday morning. "I got News! My dads away this weekend and my mum said I could have a friend round...sooooo do you wanna have a sleepover" Faye jumped up out of her seat knocking over her coffee, it was everywhere and she tried to stay cool but she was so happy. "Yes oh my god of corse" she exclaimed. They disguised plans and sleeping arrangements before photography class again and the whole day they both smiled. Cam told her friends in music and they joked about her having a crush and she didn't deny it.

-Cam's pov-
I'm so fucking exited dude. I changed my sheets i tidied my room and my mum and brothers will go to sleep at like 8 so we will have the whole house to ourselves tonight, i wonder if she likes me? She seemed very happy obviously but I wonder if she likes me. (Bell for end of day rings) shit i don't know what class she's in. Drama. That's just down this hall way. I walk in to the Theatre hall and there she is in her element. She's so good at acting, i like the way she has done her hair today, in those cute little braids she looks magical. I catch her eye causing her to smile and wave at me then the teacher dismissed them and she got her bags. "You looked really great up there" i added. "Thanks! Where's your mum picking us up" i was confused for a second but i mustn't have told her where I live, "oh, no I live in this neighbourhood we can walk there pretty quickly" she agreed and we set off. As we walked we stepped on the crunchy fall leaves and laughed at the noises they made. My house isn't anything special, it's a small semi detached house near school and it was cluttered, clean of corse. My dads a clean freak, but coz it's so small we have a lot of shit and i also have 2 younger brothers who take up a lot of space. I was scared that she wasn't going to like it and was going to think I was gross but she said my house was cozy and she felt at home. Good. I want her to feel at home around me!

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