And lips as red as blood

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Queen Anastasia, known to her family and friends as Ana, was not enjoying Snow's 16th borthday party.

It was bad enough that she had to go- Snow didn't even like her! And the feeling was most definitley mutual. To top it off, Snow hadn't even been grateful that she'd bothered showing up. Ana recollected her exact words:

"Oh. Hello, stepmother. Suppose you'd better take the throne over there." Really? The throne over there? Yeah, it's called the queen's throne. You've lived in the castle the entire life. You should know what the throne is called. Ana fumed silently for a moment, then recovered herself and smiled at the crowd. Not that they were paying attention- all of them were focused on Snow. Even Ana had to admit that Snow looked ravishing.

Her silk sleeveless gown, cinched at the waist, emphasized her petite frame. Her long, raven black hair flowed down her back, a braided silver headband around her forehead. Her cheeks were rosy against her pale face, her eyelashes curling around her startilingly blue eyes. No wonder suitors were flocking to her like bees to honey.

The girl should just get married and settle down, stop being such a flirt. Plenty of boys had had their hearts broken at her hands. Ana suddenly noticed that Snomw was speaking instead of twirling her hair and smiling. Ana snapped out of her self proclaimed foul mood to listen to what she was saying.

"To a new era! I know if my mother was here-" Snow looked accusingly to Ana-"she would have been so proud of me. I am becoming someone who the people would want to be queen! When I rule, this kingdom shall prosper!" Snow raised her wine and promptly drained the glass. Ana and the rest of the crowd followed suit, Ana relishing the thick red liquid. In doing so, she spilled a drop on her velvet dress.

She stifled a curse-had to keep up that queenlike figure- and got up, intending to clean up. She made her way through the crowd to her chambers. When she had managed all of her people's concerns- she promised them all a free goat for their troubles- she spied Snow sneaking off to her rooms. Rather odd, considering that it was her birthday party.

Ana, naturally, decided to follow her. She picked up her skirts and began to follow her up the stairs. She quietly cursed the ungainly fashion of the day- the climb would have been much easier in trousers. When she reached the top of the stairw, sweaty and panting. She arivved just in time to see the heavy oaken door close as Snow slipped inside. Ana crept to the door, opening it as quietly as she could. Still, it creaks loudly, making her wince. She slips into the room, sticking to the shadows. She hides behind a dresser- lucky, for she can see Snow checking where she had just been. She releases the breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding, and listened to Snow's conversation with... someone. She craned her head to see, and suddenly she spied a glimpse of Snow and the... mirror. The mirror? Okay... she strained her ears to catch their conversation.

"- I will do it. I will kill the queen." Snow was saying animatedly. Ana's blood ran cold- kill her? Kill her? She sneaked through the door, breaking into a run once she was down the steps. She raced to her chambers, past the bewildered king, collapsing onto her bed. She could feel a massive headache coming on, and for good reason- Snow White was trying to kill her.

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