Chapter 28

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Royse immediately turns towards the direction of the voice.

There stood the familiar white-headed figure.

The damn stalker was here.

A smile was plastered on his face as he gazed at Royse. "To think Midnight Terror would bless me with his presence this evening, I'm touched."

Royse doubled his guard and watched every movement of the other male.

When the familiar figure saw the orb in his hand, his expression changed drastically. His smile was replaced by a frown.

"It seems you have gotten a hold of our groups' property."

Seeing his expression, Royse couldn't fight back the smile that crept on his face.

"You can't help but be curious about this don't you think?" The younger male states as he takes a look at the orb. "Make's me wonder what this is~" He states in a sing-along tone.

The whitehead growled. "Were it any other day, I would be more than happy to entertain you but I'm afraid I am not in the mood." The older male reached his hand. "Give it and we can call this off. No fighting needed."

Assessing the man, Royse narrowed his eyes behind his mask. Although subtly, it was evident that the man seemed exhausted.

It only gave him more reason to smile.

"Aww, just when I wanted to fight." Clearly it was a lie but Royse knew they were bound to fight anyway with what he was going to do.

An item box appeared before him.

He reaches his hand, about to put the orb inside when all of a sudden, shadows suddenly attack him.

Royse jumped away just in time to avoid it.

With the orb still in his hand, he sees the man snarl at him.

"It seems I'll have to take it by force."

The younger male smirked. "Try me."

That was all it took for the man to appear in front of him.

Royse quickly blocked the attack and morphed his dagger into a sword.

The man coated his hands with the dark attribute and made his continuous attacks towards the younger male. Royse single-handedly blocked the series of slashes. He gripped the orb tighter, finding no opening to access his item box.

Royse grits his teeth as the man drove him towards the wall, trying to trap him. He buffs himself with further enhancements and summoned a lake of poison underneath his feet.

The man jumped away just in time before the whole floor became poison and landed on the wall. Shadows suddenly crawled and overlaps the poison ground. Using the wall, the man springs back towards Royse and twirled as the dark shadows grew in size, creating a wave.

Leaving him no choice, Royse mutters his skill and engulfed the whole room in a magic circle.

Light attribute poured, causing the man's dark attribute along with the poison on the ground to disappear.

The man halts as he feels his body dropping from his opponents' sudden skill.

Wide red eyes stared at the masked figure.

"I've forgotten that you are a holder of all 3 rarest attributes." He states.

Royse simply shrugs. "I'm not surprised. With how I've lessened my patrolling in the evening, people are bound to let their guard down."

Transmigration as an Unknown Character! | 僕の妹の大好きな乙女ゲームで, 未知のキャラクターとして移住しました!Where stories live. Discover now