Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy (A Sanders Sides Fic) Day 1

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        The sides have gone up to hang out with Thomas for the holidays once more, giving him time to himself after having to be around people for a very long time due to frustrating talks at the dinner table. Janus and Remus were left alone once more, they already knew they wouldn't be wanted. Because of this, they took the golden opportunity to go to Patton's room once more to play their favorite game, DDR. 

        Nothing felt better to them then going at it on Patton's DDR mats, just the two of them. Janus and Remus.

        "Hey, Jan. You know I'm gonna getcha' this time around!" Remus exclaimed, eagerly waiting for Janus to set up the game.

        "No chance, Remus. Plus, you're not cheating again. I won't let you trip me like that."
        "Oh, darn. You don't let me have any fun!"

        And so, the pair went at the DDR machine for a while. The smell of ginger bread and pumpkin pie filling Thomas' head space through left overs. It got so distracting, in fact, they didn't hear Patton return to his room this time around.

        "AAAAAAAH! Janus! Remus! What in the name of ol' saint nick are you doing in my room!" The two didn't answer, just have turned, starring blankly at the fatherly side. Luckily, it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what they were actually up to. 

        "You kiddos know that if you wanted to use my DDR machine, you could just ask, right?" The two looked baffled. They were the bad guys... why could they?

        "Ya know, tis the season! You two can have the machine, well, as long as I am able to come play it from time to time as well!" The two darker sides were ecstatic! Their own DDR game! They could play whenever they wanted, not just when a video was being recorded! But, they didn't want to show anymore weakness if possible.

        "Thank you sssssssssOO much, Patton. It will.... get put to *bad* use."
        "Yeah, just as much use as my friends Acceptance and Praise... maybe even more-"

        Patton chimed in once more, "Of course, just make sure you don't hurt yourselves!"

        "We won't!" the two chimed back, Janus obviously lying knowing the way Remus cheats, but they were stopped.

        "Hold on, why aren't you two up in the living room celebrating with us?" Patton questioned. Janus was about to speak up, but obviously, he could see Remus was already on it.

        "Well, daddy-o! If you haven't noticed, we're the bad guys! The league of villains! The black hats, if you will." Patton stood there for a second, thinking about how he and the others has treated them just because they do their job. He looks up after a second, taking a deep breath, visibly relaxing. 

         "Why don't we go upstairs, get you two some food, and talk about it with the others. I can't begin to talk right now, but I do have a lot to do." The two looked at each other and nodded, getting an idea of where this was going, going up simply for mashed potatoes. 

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