~Part 7~

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Hey everyone!
Me and Eijirou we're gonna go do some karaoke
Any other lovebirds wanna come?! 💃

Sure, sounds fun!
You in Deku-Kun?

Oh, of course! ^^

Whoo! Hell yeah!
What about you Kyouka, babe?

Sure, whatever

What about you and Bakubro?

I'm in-

Hell no.

Aw, why not Katsuki?

Because. Karaoke's boring as shit.

It'll be fun!

Yeah man, c'mon!

Ughh.. fine.

Whoo! Everyone's in!
See you all there!

*Everyone is Offline*

The group of teenagers walked into their karaoke booth.

Everyone sat next to their significant other.

Eijirou sat next to Mina, Uraraka next to Midoriya, Kaminari next to Jirou, and Tsuyu next to Bakugo.

"Alright, who's up first?" Mina asked.

"I think we all know who." Kirishima smirked with his arm around Mina's shoulder.

"Yeah! Go on Kyouka!" Uraraka shouted.

"Wha- me?" A small blush of embarrassment formed on her face.

"Yeah! C'mon babe, everyone knows your an amazing singer." Kaminari smiled.

Jirou sighed. "Alright, fine." She stood up. "Hand me the mic, will you?" She asked Kirishima kindly.

"Sure!" His wide smile flashed his sharp teeth as he handed her the microphone.

Jirou took a deep breath.

She started singing the song she wrote; Hero Too.

"Whoo! Yeah, go Kyouka baby!" Kaminari cheered.

The rest giggled (besides Bakugo) while Jirou smiled.

When she finished she sat back down next to Kaminari, he kisses her cheek making her blush.

"Alright, who's next?" Kirishima asked.

"Ooh ooh, me!" Kaminari raised his hand.

Kirishima chuckled. "Sure, go for it bro."

Kaminari stood up, and kindly took the mic from Jirou.

He took a small breath and began singing.

His singing was terrible, he and everyone else knew it. But he had fun, which was more important.

"Pfff-" Jirou covered her mouth holding in laughter.

Kaminari dropped the mic. "Whoo, awesome!"

"Yeah, awesome." Jirou teased.

Kaminari chuckled, and sat back next to her.

"Alright, who's—" Mina was interrupted.

"Oh! Me and Deku-Kun!" Uraraka stood up holding Midoriya's hand.

Midoriya chuckled. "Y-Yeah, if that's—"

"Just get on with it, nerd!" Bakugo shouted, crossing his arms.

"Kero." Tsuyu patted his back.

"Oh, o-of course Kacchan." Midoriya smiled.

Uraraka and Midoriya both held the mic and started singing.

Bakugo sighed. He laid back in his seat and turned his head to face Tsuyu.

"Oi. Are you gonna sing too?" He asked.

She took a small sip of her water.

"No, I don't think so. My voice isn't fit for singing."

"Hah? There's nothing wrong with your damn
voice, you idiot."

"I know, but I'm just not a great singer, Kero."

"It doesn't matter if your a great singer or not, we came here to have fun. Didn't you hear dunce face? He was fucking horrible."

Tsuyu let out a soft chuckle.

Bakugo grinned. "The point is, just sing and have fun. You're gonna kick ass."

Tsuyu smiled. "Aw, thank you Katsuki."

A small blush formed across his face.

"Tch. Your welcome, idiot." He averted her gaze.

Uraraka and Midoriya finished their song.

"Whoo! Good job you two." Mina clapped.

Uraraka smiled. "Aw, thanks Mina."

She and Midoriya sat back in their seat.

Bakugo nudged Tsuyu. "Oi, go on. It's your turn."

Tsuyu shook her head slowly, and rested her head on his shoulder.

"What? Not gonna go?"

She nodded.

He groaned. "Fine, I'll go with you."

He held her hand and intertwined their fingers.

They stood up and grabbed the microphone.

He left a soft kiss on her cheek, before he smiled.

A small blush formed across her face as she smiled.

They both started to sing their duet, and they were both surprisingly good.

Once they finished everyone clapped.

"Woah, that was amazing you two!" Midoriya smiled.

Jirou clapped. "Yeah, totally amazing guys."

A wide blush of embarrassment spread across Tsuyu's face.

Bakugo laughed. "Don't be embarrassed, dumbass!"

She shoved her face into his chest, and hugged his waist.

He smirked. He kissed her head and rubbed her back.

"Kero." She croaked, embarrassed.

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