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~6 months before Takemichi travelled back in time~

Third Person P.O.V
It was a normal evening in the Hanagaki household. Hanagaki Kazuko had found out that Toman was having a meeting after spying on a few members that day. She decided to tell Mikey the leader what she always wanted to tell him. So she sneaked out of the house when her overprotective brother was asleep. She made her way to Musashi Temple as she waited a few minutes before walking in.

Everyone in the meeting stared at her wondering why she was there. She walked all the way up to Mikey as she stood in front of him. "Mikey-kun, let me be your bitch!" Kazuko Hanagaki said smiling innocently as everyone became silent. 'Eh.... Eh?!!!' Everyone thought as Draken grew a tick mark on his forehead. Mikey stared at her surprised. "What the hell?! You can't interrupt people's meeting to say that to our leader!!" Some of the members shouted as Mitsuya slapped his forehead.

He was Kazuko's best friend. He knew she was going to tell someone she liked them and asked various people on what to say. Her being the naive girl she was didn't know that the way she said it meant something totally different. He should have stopped her but oh well what's done is done. "Kazuko-chan, I thought you were confessing to someone else?" Mitsuya said as he walked towards her. "Oh! Taka-kun! I thought I told you... I didn't... Oh well!" Kazuko said when he shook his head denying what she said. She stuck her tongue out at him.

"Mitsuya? You know her?" Draken asked as the annoyed expression disappeared from his face. "Yeah this is Hanagaki Kazuko. The girl I was telling you guys about." Mitsuya said as he rubbed her head. "You talked about me? But anyway that's besides the point. What about it Mikey-kun? Should I rephrase it? Hmm... They also told me to say this as well..." Kazuko said to Mikey muttering the last part. "I'll try it again. Be my boyfriend, Mikey-kun!" Kazuko said bowing as Mikey got a bit flustered.

"Kazuko!" Mitsuya said as she grabbed the girl by her hand and dragging her down the steps. "But Taka-kun...." Kazuko whined as she tried to pull away from his grip. "Kazuko, go home." Mitsuya said but Mikey walked forward and placed his hand on his shoulder. "Hey, Kazuko was it?" Mikey said as she nodded her head looking at him. "Alright then, from now on you're my bitch/gf! You're mines." Mikey said as Kazuko blushed brightly. Mitsuya looked like he wanted to faint and Draken looked tired of Mikey. Everyone stared at their leader in disbelief. 'D-Did he just agree to what that strange girl said?' The members thought except for Mikey who smiled at Kazuko.

"Yay! Please take care of me! I'll go home now, Taka-kun! Give Mikey-kun my number, yeah?" Kazuko told him before she left Musashi Temple heading home. She went to the food store to buy something as an alibi if her brother was up. She opened her door silently, taking off her shoes and slowly walking to her room. "Where have you been, Kazuko?" Takemichi asked as she froze before turning to him slowly. "Oh... Take-nii-san.... I went to go get some dorayaki... Do you want some?" she told him laughing nervously as he shook his head before pointing to her room.

She rushed to her room as she heard her phone ding. She looked at it confused seeing an unknown number.

Unknown Number:
Hey (●’◡’●)ノ

Eh? Who's this?

Unknown Number:
It's Mikey. Can't believe you forgot your boyfriend already. ( ⚈̥̥̥̥̥́⌢⚈̥̥̥̥̥̀)

Ah! Mikey-kun! I'm sorry. I'm assuming that Mitsuya remembered to give you my number?

Yeah. I'm just messaging you so you have my number. It's getting late, you should sleep.

Oh yeah it is! Goodnight Mikey-kun!

Goodnight Shi-chin.

Kazuko smiled before she went to bed preparing herself for the future that would come.

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