☁️melting (ishigami x f!reader) pt. 1

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"L/N, thank you for coming. In all honesty, I thought you weren't going to come." Shirogane, the student council president, said.

Y/N sighed. Shirogane called for her on short notice, but she only came so she'd have an excuse not to be in class.

Ditching was a regular thing for her since she already excelled in every subject, and the teachers didn't care. Somehow. She was basically invisible to the eyes of staff members.

But she assumed the student council thought lowly of her, like other students. Y/N was either hated or feared, with false rumors spread about her and how she was seen as 'unreal' by the other students since she rarely interacted with others.

School was useless. Seen as an obstacle in life by Y/N, since she was guaranteed success at a young age because of her family. She didn't need school, but only came since it was legally required. She had no friends and the work was easy, so it meant nothing.


Y/N was basically another member of the student council for the day, performing random duties for the strangely kind president.

"President, why did you call me here? You could've done these yourself, or maybe the other members could've finished these tasks. Respectfully, I don't understand your intentions." Y/N explained.
Shirogane looked up from his desk in shock. The girl was a lot different than he thought she would be.

Fujiwara and Shinomiya were on family vacations, and Shirogane had been curious of the H/C haired girl. He decided to call Y/N instead of waiting for the two members to come bsck and finish tasks.

As the president, he made it his job to better understand students and wanted to put the rumors about her to rest. He could see through false rumors easily, and wanted to see what the fuss about Y/N L/N was about.

"Well, it seems you are never in class anyway. Fujiwara and Shinomiya are absent, so I decided that you could help with our tasks." He explained.

Y/N scoffed. "Are you sure?"
Her formal facade seemed to melt away, uncovering her cold personality. In all honesty, she simply acted that way after seeing through his lie.
It was easy to tell when someone was lying, but she had to rely on her conversation skills to get people to spill the truth.

But with the president, that might be hard. He was intelligent and Y/N knew that.

The president sighed. "Would you rather me tell the staff that you have been skipping class every day? Or spending time here? Which one would you like?"

This smart motherfucker. She thought.
"I guess there's no way out of this." She sighed. "I'll help you, then. In return, you stay quiet about me ditching class."

Shirogane smiled in victory, knowing the girl would have to be here every day from now on.
But there was another reason he brought her in.

"President, I finished the-"

A certain introverted treasurer walked in, noticing the presence of the girl immediately. Ishigami froze, not being able to stop staring at her.
"Ishigami, are you alright?" The president asked, noticing the treasurer's scared state.

"Uh.. I gotta go-"
"Wait! What about the papers?!"
Ishigami stopped in his tracks, and quickly went back to put the papers down on the president's desk and leave.

"Ishigami, what's the rush? Don't tell me you're afraid of L/N." Shirogane sighed.
Y/N calmly eavesdropped on their conversation, acting as if she wasn't listening.

"I am! Have you heard what she does?"
"Those are rumors. Have you ever talked to her?"
"Exactly! Nobody talks to or sees her, like she's a ghost or something! Is she even real?" Ishigami argued.

"I am indeed real. My apologies if I intimidate you."

Ishigami turned around, as the girl seemed to have teleported or something behind him.
He yelped, hiding behind Shirogane.

"My apologies for our treasurer. Ishigami, how about you stay here for a while instead of going straight home?" Shirogane suggested. But it sounded more like a command than a suggestion.

Ishigami looked down and sat at the table in front of Shirogane's desk, and took out some homework to occupy himself with. If I manage to stay out of her way, I should be fine. He thought.

But unexpectedly, the girl sat down next to him. 

His body froze up again, and he didn't even dare to look at her.

"Do you need help with that?" The girl asked quietly.


The question confused him until he remembered where he last saw her name.
"3rd: Y/N L/N"

The scores for the last exam were released last week, with the president and vice-president taking up the top two spots.

But most of the students, including Ishigami, were surprised to see once again that L/N had taken the third spot.
Everyone had hoped someone could surpass her, but no. Plenty of people thought it was unfair and that she wasn't real, for nobody noticed her in class. Ever.

That meant she was very intelligent, and could probably help Ishigami plenty. However, Shinomiya, the vice president, already tried helping him study a few weeks ago to no avail.
So how could Y/N L/N do it?

"I, uh, you probably can't help me..."
"Are you sure? It's okay to ask for help. Plus, I don't bite." She reassured him, without a drop of emotion in her words.

Ishigami couldn't tell if she was lying to mess with him, or telling the truth to prove the rumors wrong.

"Shinomiya already tried helping me, you know. I'm just going to waste your time." He mumbled.
"Are you underestimating me?"

His blood ran cold.
"I'm just messing with you." Y/N quietly laughed, taking a closer look at his homework. "Plus, you can't solve problems the way you started them. As in, you should at least give me a try. That sounds better than staying in your room, eating junk food, and playing video games all day, hmm?"

Then she disappeared. Ishigami's body was like ice now, and he couldn't move a muscle. How did she even know that?

"Uh, you may go home n-"
The treasurer was already out the door before Shirogane could tell him to leave.


𝙆𝘼𝙂𝙐𝙔𝘼-𝙎𝘼𝙈𝘼: 𝙇𝙊𝙑𝙀 𝙄𝙎 𝙒𝘼𝙍 𝙊𝙉𝙀𝙎𝙃𝙊𝙏𝙎Where stories live. Discover now