Day 11: The Competition.

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September 17. Competition day.

Day faded into night as the competition went under way. Crowds and fairgoers appeared with families and oversized vegetables as the purple van of Winniebago parked around the back of the building. "Good luck!" She wished him off.

Gromit sat his marrow on the competition table, wiping away the tears from earlier that day. He walked away to go see what was going on in the carnival.

His eyes suddenly landed on a small poodle that was buying cotton candy. He walked over to her and tapped her on the shoulder. She turned around, her tail beginning to wag as she wrapped him in a hug. It was Fluffles, his good friend from he and Wallace's past bread baking business. She looked at him, noticing the tears in his eyes, and gave him a questioning glance. He gave an almost "forget about it" sigh and a shoulder drop, and she nodded understandingly. She then pulled his hand and decided to take him around the carnival to cheer him up.

Meanwhile, in the rooftop greenhouse, Wallace was struggling to free himself from the muzzle. "Augh.." he grunted in frustration. "Darn thing is locked up tight," he eventually gave up and sighed, sliding his back down the pole to the floor in a seated position. He looked out of the window at the rising full moon, which illuminated the garden. It was over. He'd lost. By midnight that night he would transform into a full Were-rabbit forever, and there was nothing he could do about it. If Gromit didn't find him soon, their lives would be over.

The two dogs had sat down on a bench, enjoying the evening and the time they had spent together. It had been so long since they'd seen each other last. Gromit then began to think about Wallace again, and his ears drooped. Fluffles put a hand on his, and gave him a look that demanded to know what was going on. Then, he caught eye of a familiar shadow. He stood up, backing away from the bench and looking up towards the top of the Hall, his eyes landing on the glass windows of the garden. It was Wallace! He could see the outline of a shadow of his bunny ears. He grabbed Fluffles and led her around to the back entrance of the building, which was, to their surprise, unlocked. They entered, the cold air inside singeing their fur.

They padded along quietly through the building, entering a large main room. Fluffles poked Gromit, then pointing to a staircase. They swiftly headed over to it and up into the large garden.

The two stopped and let their eyes adjust to the dark before continuing forward. "Gromit?" They turned to Wallace's voice. "Gromit! Over here!" Wallace called to them. Gromit and Fluffles ran over to Wallace, who was chained to the floor and a muzzle tied around his snout. "Thank goodness you're here," he laughed with relief, tears of joy welling in his eyes. "Oh, and hello, Fluffles." He smiled at her. She waved back, unsure what was going on and why he was a 6 foot tall rabbit. "It's a long story." Wallace had realized she looked confused. She then realized Gromit was trying to pick a lock, and handed him a bobby-pin. He grabbed it from her and fiddled it around in the lock. It finally popped open, and Gromit unlocked the muzzle, and using a gardening shovel nearby, snapped the shackles bound to his ankles. "Thanks lad." Wallace stood up, shaking out his fur. "We need to stop Victor, he's going to try and propose marriage to Totty." He said as they headed for the staircase. "I know she'll never love me, but I know for a fact she doesn't love Victor."

"Now, when I get down and propose to you, you are going to say yes, and you are going to marry me." Victor growled into Totty's ear as she tried to move away from him, but he grabbed her hand and pulled her close. "Judging is about to begin!" The officer announced, "please stand by."

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