The End.

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Once they reached ground, and Gromit had temporarily bandaged Wallace's wound with his undershirt, the crowd had begun cheering for them. "Thank you, Wallace." She smiled, "I don't know what I would've done without you." She thanked him. "It wasn't a problem at all, your ladyship." He gave her a buck-toothed smile. "Did you really mean what you said back there? About... loving me?" He asked. "Of course I did." She sighed, "Victor knew that the little rabbit wasn't the beast, and told me he'd kill you if I didn't go to your house and find the real one." She admitted. "I loved you from the moment you told me you'd do things the humane way. I'm not a fan of guns and hunting, and that's why I could never be with Victor. I couldn't live with myself if we got married." She smiled. "I'm sorry he said all those things to you." She apologized. "It's okay," he said as they sat on the edge of the stage. "At least I know you didn't betray me on purpose." He smiled. "Oh, Gromit!" He suddenly called to his companion, who had been relaxing with Fluffles. "We have to get home before midnight!" He shouted. He turned and looked up at the large clock on the wall of the building. "Oh, heck! We only have 30 minutes!"

After their goodbyes, Wallace and Gromit ran home as quickly as they could.-

"Okay, Hutch!" Wallace opened the door to the Mind Manipulation-o-Matic, and he jumped inside. Hutch had still been in there from last night. "Ready, Gromit!" Wallace gave a thumbs up to Gromit, who pulled the lever. The machine rumbled to life, lifting them both into the air by sheer vacuum force alone. Gromit shielded his eyes as the machine exploded with a flash of light, then rumbled to a halt. Gromit turned back, and felt his tail begin to excitedly wag as he saw a familiar friend in the belly of the machine. "It worked, Gromit!" Wallace excitedly opened the door to the machine, stepping out and wrapping the dog in a hug. "And Hutch should be back to normal as well." They both looked inside the Mind-o-Matic as a small, average, normal looking bunny hopped out from the machine and darted off to a pen. "Well, I'd say all's well that ends well, ay, lad?" He chuckled and ruffled Gromit's fur on his head. "And just in time!" He looked at the clock as it chimed with the click of midnight. "Let's get to bed, Gromit," Wallace yawned, heading up the stairs, Gromit on his heels, "I'm cream-crackered."

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